•Chapter 21•

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I slept out in the slave cabin that night.

A part of me kept thinking Daddy would come save me like he always has but he didn't. The night was cold and long, I woke up with sores on my back and a cough in my chest.

It's here where I also find out that Daphne was arranged to marry Joshua Green, a man in his early forties who owns two stores in town and another two towns over.

It's no surprise that this is what made Daphne react like this, she figured if she was to be bound to a marriage she didn't want, then she was going to ruin my happiness too. I'm convinced she's evil to the core, I'm not sure how I never saw it when we were kids but now I can't deny her nature, especially not when it's affecting me.

The day came and went, I refused to eat the little they already had and slept with a growling stomach and heavy tears in my eyes. I hated thinking about it because I sound like a brat but I honestly cannot live out here. I'm not used to any of this and to make matters worse the other slaves already hate me. They envy me for the life I have and exclude me because of their hatred. Nothing I say or do changes their feelings towards me.

That night I snuck out of the cabinet and went down to the river to watch the sky. My heart filled with swaying hope that Augustus would appear and hold me tight, telling me his only desire is me and that we'll get away from all of this.

But instead, I find Daddy with a pregnant slave-making love under a tree. She's silent but his grunts are loud and clear. I suppose she saw me in the moonlight because she whispers something to him and his head shoots up to where I'm hiding behind a bush.

I take off running back into the cabin and laid perfectly still, evening out my breath and praying he doesn't come in. Eventually I hear the door open and the overseer shakes me awake. He doesn't say anything but drags me outside to where Daddy is waiting.

"Whatcha doin out here Delilah?"

I shrug, "I suppose you outta ask your wife that massa".

The overseer looks at me in shock, "watch ya mouth nig-"

"That's enough. Lock up the cabin, Delilah walk".

I roll my eyes, "I refuse to step foot into that house after she slapped the shit outta me for nothin!"

He grabs my forearm and pushes me towards the house, "watch ya mouth! And lower ya voice everyone's asleep".

I side eye him, "yes you should have been asleep too not-"

He stops and turns me to face him with an iron grip on my arm, "not what Delilah?"

I gulp and whimper in pain, "daddy you're hurting me".

"Cause ya running that damn mouth on some bullshit! Ya always in folks business Delilah, mind your damn business cause if u try to step in mine again, ya sure will know why these slaves fear me! I don't answer to nobody about the shit I do, I'm the one in charge of everyone and everything on this damn plantation and I'll be damned if anyone tells me different! Ya saw nothing and you"ll get up in that house and go straight to bed. Fuck what ya mother said, it's my house and I'll run it how I want! Ya heard?"

His eyes are livid and cold, he's screaming so hard and loud spit sprays my face and the grip on my arm sure will leave a mark. This is side of him he hides from us, the side the slaves only see, she side that scares me the most so I pretend it doesn't agree. How can I? How can I believe the sweet man that kissed all my injuries and taught my lullabies is actually evil? The child in me refuses.

I nod, "yes daddy".

I keep my head down as tears fall but I hear him grind his teeth. Never in my life has Daddy ever scolded me for something or spoke so mean about my behavior. It hurt me and I'm mad that I can't even hide how he made me feel.

"Listen, baby", he whispers softly as he lifts my chin up. "I ain't mean to scare ya okay? Go up and get on in bed, she won't bother ya baby girl".

I pull away from him before he can kiss my head, I can't stand another second in his presence. I'm trembling, I need to go to my room and burry my head under the covers. I need to imagine the good times, when daphne and I would hold hands and run through the apple trees, when daddy would rock us to sleep on the porch after watching the sunset, when mama would French braid my hair like Daphnes (even though she complained the whole time). I need to believe that everything is okay.

Right as I entered the room, two hands grabbed me from behind, one around my waist the other clasped down on my mouth to muffle my scream.

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