•Chapter 25•

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Augustus and Daphne were married two weeks later.

Mrs. Jones rushed the marriage considering Daphne was already showing and if any more time was wasted people surely would know. The wedding was small, mostly family members attended and it rained towards the end of it (even God was not in agreement with the union) so everyone either went into the house or left to their homes.

The only good thing that came from the wedding was that the work hands received a day off. Today morning at breakfast, Daddy said he found it best for Augustus and Daphne to remain on the plantation until Augustus found a good home to settle into, now that he's finished his studies.

"Why?! Daddy you can't be serious. A husband and wife need their own roof to live under!"

Mrs. Jones sighs, "Oh quit it, Daphne, think about when the baby is born. it's best you stay here till then so I can look after you and the babe".

Her face turns grey at the sound of the baby. It's something I've been picking up about her lately. She never mentions it and cringes when other people do.

"I feel faint", she rushes out before running out of the dining hall.

Augustus and I make eye contact and I muffle a laugh. It was his plan to stay here until the baby was born. He says he'd rather be anywhere than under a roof alone with Daphne. Besides if he stays here, that means we'll get to see each other more often.

"Massa!", Elijah screams as he runs in.

"A baby just been born in da slave cabin'. Baby boy, big n strong!"

Silence settles in the room as Mrs. Jones stares at Daddy with her mouth twisted in disgust. He doesn't make eye contact with him, just slowly nods at Elijah.

"Bring me the book".

Elijah scurries off as Mrs. Jones looks up at the ceiling while she takes a shaky breath.

"I'll hold my tongue for the sake of Delilah-"

"Muareen-", Daddy warns.

"Congratulations, the devil gave you the son you've always wanted".

I gasp, "how dare you? Children-regardless of how they were made-come from God-"

She looks at me and laughs, "How dare me? oh child, I wish one day for you to open those eyes and see that I am not the villain you've believed".

She stands up knocking her chair over and leaves the dining table. All while Daddy continues to eat as if nothing was happening. Elijah brings him the book of slaves and Daddy scribbles fast as he declares he's naming the child David.

Augustus leaves us and heads to work, not bothering to question the series of events that just played out. I stand up soon after him, just for Daddy to stop me.

"Delilah git ready, yous coming with me to the Willson Plantation", he says standing up.

I look at him confused, "whatcha doing there? And why must I accompany you? Daddy...are you selling me?"

He stops in front of me with a frown on his face, "Selling you? Now, where did that foolish thought come from girl?"

I shrug, "You did take me to the mart-"

"To teach ya a lesson. Now git out, we bout ta be lat".

I rolls my eyes and follow him outside. A mulatto with pigtails and green eyes runs past us to hid under the skirts of her mother.

I point to her, "say Daddy? Is that one yours too? She sorta got your smile".

The child looked nothing like him but I couldn't let the opportunity slide. It was merely a jest and I honestly wouldn't have said it if I knew he would have gotten mad...nevermind I most definitely would have.

Daddy sends me a glare so mean I remain silent the whole ride. We drive to the Wilson plantation in silence Daddy leaves me in the carriage as he heads inside the house.

He doesn't stay there for long but when he comes back he holds an envelope stuffed with money.

"Daddy", I begin as the carriage starts to move.

"No you can't ask questions Delilah".

I pout and cross my arms, "how comes?"

He looks at me and grins before pinching my cheeks, "because I said so, it ain't non of ya buisness anyways".

We hear women screaming before we even arrive to the house. Daddy doesn't wait for the carriage to stop, he jumps down and runs inside. I take off after him too, confused about what was happening.

In the living room Mrs. Jones stands with her arms crossed as a slave on her knees screams in agony. She's the same slave I saw with Daddy that nigh and it appears as if she was recently whipped because her shirt is off and their are cuts all over her back. The overseer quietly makes his exit upon our arrival and Daphne comes downstairs, most likely woken up from the noise.

"Massa she stole my baby! She say she gon sell him! Massa he just born the other day, he still need his mama".

Daddy stares at Mrs. Jones as if she's lost it, "Maureen what you do? Maureen I asked what the fuck you did!"

"I told you Phillip! I told you if you ever got one of 'em pregnant I'd sell it or kill it! That bastard-that spawn of satan-"

Daddy slaps her so hard she falls down and spits out blood.

"You ain't got no authority to touch anything on this damn property! They all belong to me! Even you!", he screams at her in rage.

Daphne looks at her mother in shock, "Mama what you saying? Daddy ain't got no mistress!"

Mrs. jones throws her head back and laughs loudly, "oh you foolish little girl. You think Augustus isn't out their warming another niggers bed too?"

Daphne's eyes fall on me and I look away.

"Maureen stand up before I drag ya upstairs", daddy commands.

"Damn you Phillip. I stood by your side for well over thirty years and you never once appreciated shit I did. I let you fuck anything that walked but just asked you never have illegitimate children outside of our marriage. Damn me too...I should have taken Daphne and ran the second you brought a nigglet home-"

I close my eyes as if they pain will be easier, "and I wish you did too".

No one seems to react as if I've spoken. Daphne is still shocked her father has a mistress, Mrs.Jones is trying to think of anything to hurt Daddy as much as as he hurt her and Daddy is trying to control his anger.

"My baby....Massa you promised me-" the woman cries as she rocks herself.

Daddy looks over at me, "Delilah take her back out to the slave cabin. Daphne go tell the overseer to git back in here. Maureen git up".

I help the woman up but silently watch as Daddy drags Mrs. Jones up by her hair. She screams in pain making Daphne scream helplessly, begging her father to realize her mom.

"Don't mind them Delilah", Miss. Lucy whispers to me. "Let me help ya take her over there. Poor thing, What I tell you Naomi? Never trust the lies of a white man....I remember when my baby was snatched from my breast, takes ya a while to forget but you'll be alright. Look at all the other women girl, ain't they alright".

I wipe my tears with my sleeve as Naomi screams out another sob.

Their are no words that can soothe a heartbroken mother.

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