•Chapter 26•

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The following weeks were quiet, as Daphne's protruding belly began to show, her appetite and temper increased aswell.

Her and Augustus fought constantly and I often would hear her crying in their room in the afternoons.

She still had the guts to sneak out and see Wesley often, those were the only days she seemed happy.

Daddy went crazy trying to find who Mother sold David too. Most days he was either in his office, in the slave cabin or gone.

Mother on the other hand hadn't left her bedroom since that night. Daddy gave Daphne and I strict instructions not to go in their and that only Miss. Lucy is to bring her meals at respectable times. I didn't even bother asking how she urinates if she is never to come out.

This gave me perfect opportunity to go sneaking into Daddy's office to look for my papers. If only it was easy though. I turned over every piece of paper on his desk and in the boxes he kept in the wooden shelf case but nothing. By the time I finished the sun was almost up too and I couldn't be found here.

The only thing of interest I read out of hundreds of documents was a recent newspaper article titled. 'Talks of war: Is slavery to be abolished?' It appears that the North want to start a fight with the south in regards of abolishing slavery and President Lincoln is all for it. The writer of the article was obviously biased and in favor of slavery and the South putting up a good fight for it.

Daddy has never once talked about politics in front of us women. He strongly believes we shouldn't know nor worry about it because that's not in our element as females to even understand politics. I personally never cared much for it either but now hearing what was going on with slavery, how can I not when it pertains to me.

Anxiety begins to sweep into me as I sit in his chair thinking. What if I really don't have my papers? What if he lost them or burnt them? What if he'll never give them to me? Miss. Lucy's words play a loop in my head. 'Never trust the lies of a white man'.

I sigh and stare at the framed photo of Mrs. Jones he has on his desk. Picking it up I wipe the dust off with my night dress and smile at how happy she used to be. She must have been real young in the photo. Probably taken during their honeymoon. I turn the photo to the side to read what the date was but a crinkled piece of paper slides out from inside the frame.

It's an old letter, and I automatically recognize Daddy's cursive handwriting.

"My dearest Maureen", I begin reading out loud. "Forgive me for not writing to you sooner. I received your previous letters and I'm beyond joyous to hear the baby is healthy-although I did hope for a boy. But their is another thing I must tell you and I hope you will read this with an open heart. I am bringing home a baby, a girl like our Daphne. Her Mother-"

The sound of floorboards creaking forces me to shove the letter into my shoe and sit back down on the chair pretending to look at the photo as before. I'm not prepared for a lie, I never planned on getting caught!

The door opens and Daddy looks at me with a raised brow, "Delilah?"

I jump up and pretend to be shocked, "daddy your back. I had a terrible dream about you so I went around looking for where you'd gone".

He frowns and finally walks in and that's when I see he's holding a baby wrapped in a white blanket. I gasp and rush over to him. Being careful to mind the letter in my shoe.

"Oh Heavens he's adorable! How'd ya get him back!"

Daddy sighs and heads over to his seat, "did everything I could".

I watch him silently, "ya love him?"

He looks at me skeptical, "let's not start. I'm exaughsted".

We sit in silence before his now soft eyes look up at me and I slowly make my way to him. He pulls me to his lap and I roll my eyes at him playfully.

"Daddy ain't I too big to sit on your lap?"

He pulls my head to his chest and releases a deep chuckle, "ain't no such thing. You'll always be my baby...you went through my things".

It was foolish of me not to think he would notice. He's always been the type to pick up small details.

My heart races and I slowly sit up and look at him, "I-I heard the slaves talking about a war. I read that newspaper, I'm sorry Daddy I know it ain't honest to go through another person's belongings but...I'm scared".

He frowns at me, "scared? Have I ever let anyone harm you?"

I look down at his beared and shake my head, "no sir but what I mean is the slaves said if the North win-"

"They won't", he says sure of himself.

I frown, "you can't be so sure daddy they got President Lincoln on their side. And if they win, they'll make it illegal. All the slaves got each other, they'll find each other and live together but what about me-"

"What about you?", his voice comes out strained and agitated.

I swallow, "I have no Mother nor father-"

"Delilah that's enough", he demands. "I took you in and raised you as my own blood, you might not be mine where blood concerns but I for sure is ya father if we talking responsibility".

I nod, not wanting to say anything to upset him more. I hate the way his pupils grow wide and his face and neck get all red like an apple.

"You ain't got nothing to worry about. As long as I'm alive which I plan to be for many more years, you'll always be safe and taken care of. Alright suga?"

I look at the baby, he's got golden curly hair and eyes just like Daddy. His tan skin is the only difference between the two of them. And his full lips are surely not daddy's either.

I slowly take him from daddy and hold him up so the morning sun glows on his beautiful face.

"And when you are gone? Daddy who'll take care of me when your gone? Considering you wish I not marry".

He watches me coo at the baby silently before gritting out an answer.

"My lawyer will give you your freedom papers".

I lower the baby to my bosom and look at him, "and what if you forget to write up my papers? And what of Little David too, he is your blood-"

"The papers of three slaves whom I wish to free at the time of my death, have already been written and given to my Lawyer. I plan accordingly. David will be like you".

I stand up so he can get up, "whatever does that mean daddy?"

He takes the babe from my arms and snatches the News article from the desk, "it ain't your concerns, and no more snooping in my office either. Sun already up, you look like you ain't sleep, git to bed Delilah".

I make my way outside the office and watch him shut it behind us. He locks the door and presses a kiss to my temple before walking out the front door.

I release a long held breath filled with oceans of relief. My papers exists.

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