•Chapter 16•

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I went to bed without eating Dinner. I mean how could I fathom the courage to sit in that table after I was humiliated in front of the man I claim to love.

Claim to love?

Oh dear, I need to get Augustus out of my mind. Regardless of how sweet his words might be and how kind his eyes look, what if we do manage to run away and wed and he turns out to be like every other white Male I know?

Possessive, controlling and abusive.

That's not the life I want for me, that's not the type of man that I want to set an example to my kids.

And what if he's already in love with another? I can't leave the situation with Wesley only to enter the same situation with Augustus.

And to be Frank with myself, I dont measure up to the worth of Augustus. He deserves a blonde by his side, one with long legs and a body that's filled out to bear him children.

Honestly, I'm just trying to set myself up with bad scenarios so my heart can let go of him.

Something hitting my window stops my train of thought. Getting up from bed, I walk to the window to see Augustus dressed in night clothes, standing below with a handful of rocks in one hand.

Carefully opening the window I look down at him in fear, "Augustus what on Earth are ya doing of bed!"

He grins up at me, "I wanted to see you, beloved. How could I sleep when I know your heart is brewing?"

I roll my eyes, "my heart was trying to sleep before you interrupted me".

He flashes me pearly white teeth, "Come out, let's go look at the stars".

"Are you out of your mind? This aint no place like France, if they catch us alone outside, it'll be the end of us".

He shrugs, "there is no love without risks".

I raise a brow, "whoever said this is love?"

"...My heart needs no translator, It knows how it feels, and I suppose the same can be said about yours?"

I hesitate as my heart picks up speed. No man has ever confessed his love to me so naturally I'm not sure how to react. Augustus surely can't like a girl with the likes of me, I'm black and I have no dowry.

"You mustn't trouble yourself with an answer right now. But please do grace me with your presence".

I shyly nod, close the window and slowly sneak out of the house where I meet him in the back. He offers me his hand which I take and allow him to lead me down to the creek. We sit by the oak tree and watch the stars dance as the gentle breeze blows our way. 

"It's a starry night", He whispers in my ear. "It's rather rare to see one, so when you happen to do so, you mustn't take it for granted. I enjoy coming outside to write during these nights".

I turn to face him so our noses touch, "poetry?"

He nods and opens his notebook, "I consider poetry as songs from the heart. Words that the heart cannot fathom courage to say".

I open my mouth to reply to him but the sight of Daphne down the creek washing her feet, catches me eye. She's naked as the day she came out her Mother's womb and so is Wesley who emerges from the water. 

Augustus turns around to see what I saw from behind him and we both watch as Wesley picks her up and lays her down on the grass. Feeling an overwhelming amount of shame, I turn away and close my eyes.

"I suppose we aren't the only ones hiding a love affair?"

I snap my eyes open to Augustus, "How could you say that with such ease. My sister has exposed herself to a man. And to make matters worse he is black! If Daddy finds out, it'll be Wesley's head on a silver platter not hers".

"Love, Delilah...Love has not boundaries nor limits. Love does not fear consequences, it only strives to feed itself. Let those in love rejoice, for there are some who will never find it".

I look down at his lips then back up to his eyes, "our love is impure...Augustus the consequence of impure love is death".

"Then my only wish is to be buried besides you", he locks his lips with mine.

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