11. Feelings

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Mateen looked up from his PSP at the sound of door opening. He was lying on his stomach on top of Mashal's bed, when a dejected Mashal walked in.

"Told you—" He remarked nonchalantly, after taking in the disappointment etched on his sister's face. Mashal continued to watch him from a distance, who's attention was once more absorbed by the console in his hands.

"Mum said, she had an important client coming in tomorrow—" Mashal added slowly, but Mateen seemed unfazed by this additional information. She sighed, before sitting on the bed beside him.

"Mateen?" He didn't answer. His full concentration was on his game, now.

"You're really okay? Weren't you looking forward to it? Mom did say, she'll attend your Sports day this time." Mashal inquired, concerned.

"I wasn't looking forward to it—It's all the same to me. It's only a silly, School Sports Day. Not olympics—" He added in a monotone. Repeating the same thing he had been saying for the past few years.

Mashal couldn't come up with any helpful response, in return. Even though she was the closest person to him, she still felt that Mateen didn't open up to her. She really wanted to believe that he was naturally aloof and all these things didn't bother him like it used to bother her. Mashal really wished that Mateen wouldn't have had to suffer in childhood like she did. Owing to which; till date, she was suffering and failing to make sense of herself, or her life.

She had promised herself to fill in her parents' shoes as much as possible and to never let Mateen go through all that, too. Yet, even though Mateen was different from her in every single aspect, she couldn't believe that he didn't feel any emotions. Because, no matter how much this little kid of 8 year old, tried to appear strong and unfeeling—his eyes, still at times, betrayed his true innermost emotions; which this genius kid, had subconsciously and artfully tried disguising as apathy.


"Awans' have invited us for dinner tomorrow. Don't be late—" Ghazala instructed while cutting into her dinner.

"Can't. Busy." Mateen didn't look up as he brought the fork to his mouth. Almost as if on cue, Shahid's gaze shifted towards his son; who silently kept chewing on his food.

They almost never had meals together. Today was an exception, because neither of his parents wanted to go through with this arduous task alone.

"He's not only my kid! Why do you get to do whatever you want and only I am expected to put a break on my life?! Why am I the only one taking all the blame, when you get away with everything, without any consequences?! You've some responsibility, towards them too!" Ghazala would always say and the blame game would start all over again.

"It wasn't a question." Shahid exclaimed coldly. His eyes shooting death glares to his only son; who took no notice of them, while seemingly immersed in his meal.

"I think there is some misunderstanding—" Mateen added slowly; wiping the corners of his mouth with the napkin.

"I am not interested in marriage with her, Dad. Not today, not tomorrow. Never. Even if I were to ever come around to think about marriage—Seemab won't be on the list. I can guarantee that." He added solemnly, glancing at either of his parents. Shahid's face had scrunched up in restrained anger; whereas, Ghazala gaped at him surprised.

"And what exactly is the cause behind this refusal? Might as well enlighten us, now that you're so grown up and intelligent enough to make decisions yourself—" Shahid's tone was sharp enough to cut through ice—but Mateen only blinked away, in return.

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