34. Happily Ever After (I)

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Clearing his throat, Mateen finally entered into his bedroom after going through the brigade of his cousins hogging the door. The room was enveloped in darkness, safe for the scented candles which was adding to the overall romantic vibe. Despite the dimly lit ambience, Mateen could see her silhouette perched on the bed; a red ghoonghat over her face.

Cautiously, he started making his way towards her; one step at a time. Keeping his gaze fixated on her the entire while, he came down to sit on the bed next to her. Reaching forward, he tried to take her hand in his but she pulled away before he could. A flicker of puzzlement crossed his face but it was swiftly replaced by a cheeky grin.

"Too late to play coy now, Mrs Mateen Abbasi. You're stuck with me for eternity. " He gleamed mischievously, emphasizing on her title. Following this, he flumped on the bed sideways and propped up on his elbow to smile up at her, who hadn't once stirred from her place. Taking her silence for her shyness, he took hold of the end of her dupatta and began twisting it between his fingers.

"Did I tell you how pretty you look?" He asked again, the smitten smile stretching across his lips.

"Like a million Hoors. I think I am already in heaven--" He added sweetly but his words were cut short by a painful shreik.

"I AM OUT! I CAN'T!!" Ammar cried out in a frenzy; throwing out the ghoonghat towards the floor while Mateen gawked at this development in shock.

"It was just getting to the fun part you doofus!!" Isra came out from behind the curtain trying to catch her breath between fits of laughter; her free hand holding up the phone's camera at them.

"Wha—! What the hell are you two doing here?! Where's Hajra?!" Mateen questioned immediately but both of his idiotic friends were busy recovering.

"AW MAN! IT WAS SO CRINGEY! I couldn't stay still for another moment! I have got hives all over my body!" Ammar shuddered, rubbing his arms up and down with a horrified look on his face. Ignoring the idiot duo, Mateen went ahead to switch on the lights. The room immediately became illuminated with bright light revealing the beautiful white flower decor.

It took him a moment, but he finally spotted Hajra in a corner. Her both hands tightly pressed against her mouth in a futile attempt to suppress her laughter. Her eyes met his from across the room and she slowly pulled away her hands, revealing her flushed face and an irrepressible glee filled smile.

Watching the happiness etched on her face, reflexively a smile formed across his lips and in an instant he became lost in her again.

"OUT. NOW!" He whipped his head at Ammar and Isra who hurriedly scrambled to their feet and made a run for their life.


She was standing in front of the dressing table getting ready, while he kept staring at her from the bed. That dumbstruck, dazed smile still etched on his lips.

"what?" She asked softly with a shy smile; feeling conscious under his scrutinizing gaze and tried to focus her attention on adjusting her necklace. He kept gawking at her unblinking and finally shook his head.

"I still can't believe you're mine." He sighed in adoration, leaning against the pillow and Hajra smiled shyly in response.

"If this turns out to be a dream then I am seriously going to cry!" He remarked grimly shuddering with a horrified look on his face and Hajra couldn't help but giggle, causing Mateen to put a halt to his thoughts. Hugging the pillow to his chest he kept watching her entranced.

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