14. Ward-Week #1

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"—I've packed you some lunches. It should last you 2-3 days, atleast. Share with your friends too. I'll bring more, later—" Humera added hurriedly, before going ahead and putting Hajra's stuff in her bag. Hajra watched her Mother run around to pack her bag; with a small hopeless smile adorning her features.

Just a while ago, Humera had broken into tears at the thought of not seeing her daughter for a whole week. But she managed to feign composure, just to stop Hajra from crying too; who cried easily upon seeing anyone in tears.

"Mamma—It's unlikely that I will have time to eat, either way. Plus, I can eat from cafeteria, if I get hungry. You don't have to worry—" She couldn't go on, because the look of horror manifesting on her mother's face, made her realise that she had accidentally said two wrong things in one sentence.

"What do you mean no time? Doctors are humans too, don't those people realise? Do they assume you guys run on endless battery—? And don't you dare go near that stale cafeteria food! Who knows what kind of poor-quality oils they use in their foods. How will you treat your patients if you fall sick too?" Hajra bit down on any further comments, while watching her flustered mother; whose secret fears were not completely hidden from her daughter. Hajra came up to hug her mother from behind; resting her face against her Mother's warm and small back, which did it's best to shield her children from every harm that existed in this world.

Humera halted in the middle of her task and let out a soft sigh before placing her hands, atop her only daughter's hands.

"I love you so much, Mamma. You have nothing to worry about. I am never leaving you, InshaAllah. I'll stay with you forever InshaAllah—" She couldn't finish, because Humera had turned in her embrace, to rebuke her, without letting go of her hands.

"I don't want to live with you forever. By the end of your housejob, I plan to set you off to your own house, InshaAllah." Humera announced decidedly and turned away after placing a kiss on Hajra's temple; leaving her to gape open mouthed after her mother.

"You don't mean this seriously, yes?" Hajra inquired worried, while trailing after her Mother throughout the house, while she gathered Hajra's rest of the stuff.

"Ofcourse I do, love. What's there to be surprised? Only then will my mind be at ease, when I see you happily settled in your own home—" She remarked obviously, without looking back at her daughter.

"But this is my home! I am not getting married, Mamma—I am not running away from my  responsibilities. You worked so hard to get all of us this far. Now, it's my turn. I want to quickly finish my studies and share your burden, InshaAllah—First we'll send Hassan and Hussain to university and after they get stable jobs InshaAllah, we'll get them married and—" Humera shushed Hajra without letting her finish, as she cupped her cheeks and looked down at her with a sweet smile.

"My little baby is so grown up—Have I told you how proud I am of you?" Hajra frowned at her words and looked away thoughtfully.

"Hmm—Only about 10 times, since this morning?" She returned with a teasing smile, before joining in Humera's laughter.

"It's still not enough—" Her mother returned dotingly, in a voice brimming with love and pressed a kiss on top of her head.


"I thought you said you were working on your final year project—" Ammar projected, as soon as he saw Isra approaching them with her driver trailing behind her. His hands full of her shopping bags.

"Of course. This is all part of research—" She flashed her million dollar smile that had wounded countless hearts before.

Unaffected by her usual antics, Ammar and Mateen only shook their heads at her.

Stairway to HeavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora