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'An author is nothing, if not for it's readers.'


In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful. All praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). Peace and blessings be upon His messenger, Muhammed (SAW).

ALHUMDULILLAH! ALHUMDULILLAH! ALHUMDULILLAH! we've finally managed to reach the end guys!!😂❤️❤️ Since I started this story and up until now, I have procrastinated every single update so much and I can't apologise and thank you guys enough for still sticking with me till the end!! JazakAllah khairun kaseera to everyone for encouraging me to finish this work! This one is for you all!!☺️❤️❤️

When I first planned writing this book, it was most definitely not how it had actually turned out (nothing new I know😂🙈). But no seriously, starting from the very first prologue, as usual I had no idea what I was going to write or how. But unlike any of my other works, this one proved to be the most challenging. One of the biggest challenge being my dislike for Mateen's character. I couldn't muster a single ounce of compassion for that fella🙃

Initially, it was supposed to give a brief overview of their college life; how they met etc and then focusing on the challenges they faced during marriage; but somehow things kept piling up. With every update, I would change the plot and write atleast 3-4 rough drafts and in the end would end up writing something completely different😭🤧Despite everything, I think this book turned out better than my anticipation. It's filled with a lot of good lessons which I think I myself need to realise first and foremost😌

Most pivotal lesson would be that in this journey called life, even though our paths might differ, we might hail from different walks of life, our past experiences may vary, the way we see things, process them and deal with our problems might differ; but if we hold fast onto the rope of Allah SWT, He will not only guide our hearts to the true faith but even send into our life people who would help us climb up the Stairway to Heaven and meet Him in the best possible way. Ameen❤️☺️

In the end, I would just like to add that I hope this story served as a means with which you all learned something or it helped you in any way at all. May Allah SWT pardon our sins, guide us and keep our hearts firm upon the true faith until we earn His pleasure and meet Him in the best way at our final destination; Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen♥️

BarakAllahu feekum! Fee Amanillah!❤️

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