Chapter 5

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I was lying on my bed. It never hurt to have some rest. It's not hard being a Queen. I deal with problems by killing the one who caused them. That's just who I am.

I was supposed to train Sukuna today. But I didn't feel like it. Not that I didn't want to beat his ass again, but I wanted to rest a bit.

Sukuna was getting stronger. He had more strength than other curses but was no match for me. He had a long way before him but he was learning faster than I thought he would be. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Akuma." I called for the cursed spirit. He appeared in front of me and bowed.

"You called my Queen?" I sat up and looked at him.

"Go for Sukuna. I'm sure that he should be ready." I said. Akuma looked at me with wide eyes before nodding and heading towards Sukuna's room. In the meantime, I've changed my clothes and left my room. Walking through the halls and eventually in front of the gates that led towards my castle. Soon Akuma and Sukuna made their way towards me.

"I deeply apologize if we kept you waiting for too long my Queen." Akuma bowed. I waved him off, resuring him that it was okay and fixing my gaze at Sukuna.

"We will see if you're able to kill me, Sukuna." I smiled at the boy in front of me. He almost glared at me. We left my kingdom and made our way towards one of the villages.

As soon as we were close enough. I jumped high in the air and thrown a fireball at the village. Houses began to burn. More curses appeared from behind me and they rushed into the village. I landed on the ground next to Sukuna.

"Let's go." I gave him the side eye before making my way towards the destroyed village. My curses gathered all the people in the village in one place. I stood in front of them.

"I'm sure that you know who I am. And I'm sure that you know why I'm here. I'll make it short and simple. Bend down on your knees and join me, or refuse, and die." Some of the villagers bend down and kept their gaze on the ground. I looked at those who kept standing.

"You refuse?" I asked them. The old man looked at me.

"I'm not scared of you. And I'm not scared of death. I'm not going to join you, even if it means my death. You can take my life if you want." The man said. I narrowed my eyes.

"Very well then. Any last words?" I asked as I prepared to give a command to the curses.

"You will die. And with your death, a new era begins. Happier era. Yet, the curse that you set on this Earth won't disappear even after your death. You're not a human... You're a monster." He finished. I smiled.

"Every monster was once a human." I snapped with my fingers and the curses tore him apart. Only one was standing.

"Sukuna." I turned my head to the young boy.

"This kill is yours. Show me that you have the guts to kill someone." I glared at him. Ne narrowed his eyes. Before walking towards the figure. I watched his body language. And I wasn't pleased. I watched as he slowly lifted his and in the air. His hand was shaking. And then, he did what he had to. After Sukuna walked to my side I faced him.

"If you hesitate one more time... I'll hang you upside down and rip your abdomen open." My glare burned holes through his body. I took a deep breath and turned around.

"Let's go home." I said.

Queen Of Curses (Jujutsu Kaisen x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now