Chapter 36

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(Third person pov)

Not making any sound, he crawled out of the bed and left the room without the Queen even noticing. He took one last glance at her before closing the doors and walking away.

Not a single soul no noticed him leaving the castle and making his way to the village. He walked through the alleys. As he walked, he noticed a woman leaning against a wall. He couldn't see her face because her face was well hidden under the mask she was wearing, along with a cape that was covering her whole head and body. I slowly blinked. And as he walked past her she said this.

"Five days. And then, it will begin." And just like that, he turned around and began to walk back to the castle. Looking over his shoulder, the woman was gone. He looked back in front of him. And slowly, a devilish smirk appeared on his lips.

(Y/N)'s pov)

"Why would you do that to me?! I got so scared I almost passed out!" Akuma whined while we laughed at him.

"We're sorry! But you three were so cute sleeping together!" Isamu wiped small tears from the sides of her eyes. Mirai was on the ground laughing like a maniac while I calmly sat on my chair. But I was really close to laughing my ass off. 

"No shit. You three were really cute together." I leaned against my palm and smiled at Akuma. He looked at me and blinked before glaring.

"That's completely fine. But you didn't have to look at us like idiots!" He yelled. I placed my palm on my mouth muffling my small laugh.

"B-but have you seen Isamu! She got scared as well! She jumped so higher when you screamed Akuma!" Mirai laughed while holding her stomach.

"True!" I laughed at her. She blushed and glared at us.

"We're laughing at Akuma here! Not on me!" Isamu screamed only for us to laugh at her even more. 

"I'm done!" Isamu stood up from her chair and began to walk towards the castle. 

"No, wait! Mirai go find her!" I giggled. Mirai somehow managed to stand up from the ground and run to find Isamu.

"Are you done laughing?" Akuma looked at me with an expression that clearly shown that he was so done with this situation.

"Yeah. I think." I wiped my tears and finally stopped laughing. I placed my hand on the table and leaned against my palm.

"So, what are you doing tonight?" Akuma blinked at me. And a very awkward silence fell between us.

"That sounded so weird." I rubbed my forehead with a sight.

"Yeah. It really did." He giggled.

"I didn't mean it in a weird way. But it sounded so weird. I was just curious." He nodded his head.

"I know. I'll probably write another chapter." He said, leaning against his chair. I snapped with my finger.

"Right! When are you going to show me the book you just finished." Akuma looked up at me before smiling.

"Not now. I'll show you when I want to." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Have you read it to Akuma and Amurai?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No. I don't think they'd understand." I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Why is that?" I tilted my head to the side a bit. Akuma opened his mouth to speak but got interrupted by other voices.

"But you are old!" I turned around. Mirai was approaching us along with Isamu.

"You are as well!" Isamu glared at Mirai.

"What are you two arguing about?" I asked. Both of them made their way towards his chairs and sat down.

"Who's the oldest." Mirai answered my question.

"And she thinks I'm older than her! While I think she's older than me!" Isamu crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, I think we all know that (Y/N) is the oldest from the four of us." Akuma said. 

"True. (Y/N) how old are you?" Mirai turned her head to me. I scratched the back of my head.

"Older than all of you. Akuma you're smart, how old do you think I am?" I smiled at him. I placed his finger on his chin and began to think.

"Well, you're clearly older than Sukuna. Like a lot older than him." Sadly, all of us agreed to that.

"So I'd say... Somewhere near 1500, maybe even more. Though I'm not sure. Since Sukuna was a former human, he could be somewhat 800 years old now." Calculator Akuma said.

"Man, you're old." Mirai looked at me with a blank expression. I huffed.

"Sis, should I be sorry?" I placed my hand on my chest. She nodded.

"And whos the youngest?!" Mirai stood up with a toothy grin.

"Definitely Isamu."


Hello guys! I'd like you to read this so please, be so kind.

I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. I also want to apologize for the late update. It's not that I didn't have any ideas on how the story will continue, it's just that I've been a bit stressed from school since I will be doing entrance exams for high school tomorrow month, and I'm scared and stressed af because of it. So I deeply apologize for the late update. And I want to ask you some questions. For example, I noticed that some of you were suspicious of Sukuna because he suddenly acts friendly towards (Y/N). So I want to ask, what are your ideas for this story? What do you think is going to happen? Why is Sukuna acting this way? Is he planning something perhaps? Share your thoughts! I'd really like to read them. Anyway, that's all from me! Take care of yourselves!

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