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Minghao, a high school senior, lived a routine life from home to school and back. His parents, among China's top ten richest, were often away on business trips, leaving him lonely in their mansion.

He held two secrets: being gay, known and accepted by his parents, and having a crush on a guy at school. Minghao wanted to confess to his parents first, convinced they could help.

One day, he returned home to find his mom, whom he hadn't seen in six months. Overjoyed, he hugged her. His dad, less missed, joined the reunion.

As they caught up in the living room, Minghao prepared to share his secrets. However, his parents interrupted, inviting him to a wedding anniversary celebration. Disappointed, he agreed, but not before extracting a promise to spend more time together.

Getting ready for the event, he wondered what to wear, eventually settling on a formal outfit. Despite his disappointment, Minghao looked forward to the evening, not knowing his parents had a surprise in store.

During the ride to the celebration, Minghao sat in the backseat, still processing the excitement of his family reunion

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During the ride to the celebration, Minghao sat in the backseat, still processing the excitement of his family reunion. The car cruised down the dimly lit streets as they approached the venue for Mr. Zhong's anniversary celebration.

Suddenly, the celebratory atmosphere shifted into chaos. The screeching of tires and the blare of horns filled the air. Before anyone could react, the car was jolted violently from the side. The impact sent Minghao and his parents lurching forward, their world spinning into disarray.

In the unforgiving shadow of a heart-wrenching collision, Minghao's world was shattered. The echo of metal meeting metal reverberated through the desolate stretch of road where their car collided with a massive truck, an abrupt and tragic meeting that hinted at something more sinister.

As the twisted wreckage lay in the middle of the road, the remnants of what was once a sanctuary on wheels, Minghao grappled with the sudden loss of his parents. There was an inexplicable ache in his heart, one that went beyond the physical pain of the crash.

In the aftermath, the police investigation hinted at foul play, suggesting that someone may have orchestrated the collision. The notion of malevolence lurking in the shadows added an unsettling layer to Minghao's grief, leaving him not only bereaved but haunted by questions that had no answers.

Amid the turmoil, Minghao's parents, though severely injured, clung to life. In the fragile moments they had left, they disclosed a business deal with Mr. Zhong. The revelation weighed heavy on Minghao's already burdened shoulders – a deal that involved not just their company but also Minghao's future.

In a twist of fate, Minghao and Mr. Zhong's son found themselves entangled in a complex arrangement. The business collaboration between their families demanded a union – Minghao and Mr. Zhong's son were to be married. The gravity of the situation sank in, and the shock of this revelation collided with Minghao's grief.

The cruel irony unfolded as Minghao realized that the person he had admired from a distance, the one who had been the hidden muse of his heart, was now at the center of a deal that bound their lives together. The collision on the road was not just an accident; it was a catalyst for a series of events that would reshape Minghao's destiny in ways he could never have foreseen.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hey people thanks for visit   


love him,




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