Enternal lie

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The wedding unfolded in a picturesque venue, bathed in warm sunlight. Minghao and Li Jie exchanged vows beneath an elegantly adorned arch, surrounded by family and friends. Minghao pledged endless love and support, while Li Jie promised strength, understanding, and unwavering devotion. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers and the soft melody of background music, creating a romantic atmosphere for the couple's heartfelt commitment to each other.

As Li Jie took Minghao to introduce him to his friends, including his best friend Jun, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. The lavish venue echoed with laughter and the clinking of glasses as Minghao found himself surrounded by a group of dynamic individuals.

Li Jie, the groom, beamed with pride as he made the introductions. "Minghao, meet my closest friends, the people who have been a significant part of my life. And this," he gestured towards a tall, enigmatic figure with penetrating eyes, "is Jun. We go way back, practically brothers."

Jun approached with a warm smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, as memories of a distant friendship flickered through his mind. Minghao's gaze lingered on Jun for a moment, sensing an unspoken history between the two.

"Jun, this is Minghao, my husband. I wanted you to meet him," Li Jie said, his eyes flickering between his best friend and his new husband.

Jun's expression remained composed, masking the turbulence of emotions within. "Minghao," he greeted with a nod, his voice holding a hint of nostalgia. "It's been a while."

Minghao, still unaware of the past connection between Jun and Li Jie, smiled politely. "Nice to meet you, Jun. Jie has told me so much about you."

The air hung with a silent tension, both Jun and Minghao navigating the complexities of their shared history. Li Jie, sensing the subtle undercurrents, attempted to bridge the gap.

"Why don't you two catch up? I'll go mingle with the others," Li Jie suggested, excusing himself with a knowing smile.

Left alone, Jun and Minghao exchanged awkward glances, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the air. Minghao struggled to recall any connection with Jun, while Jun grappled with the ache of a friendship lost in the corridors of time.

As they began to converse, the past slowly unraveled, revealing the intricacies of a bond that had weathered storms but had been forgotten by one of its key players. The reunion of Minghao and Jun marked the beginning of a journey to rediscovering the ties that once bound them and the shadows that had driven them apart. Little did they know that the threads of the past would weave a tapestry of challenges, secrets, and revelations that would shape the course of their intertwined destinies.


The author, is crazy creepy.

Thank you people for reading, hope u like it ( if you don't like it still thanks)

total words[1189]

sorry for the grammatical mistakes.

love <3


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