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"Hey, where are you?" Minghao asked in a call to his friend Boo Seungkwan, while on his way to the cafe. "Oh, I see you," Minghao said upon entering the cafe, and they waved at each other.

BOO SEUNKWAN (ming's bestie)
Loving and caring to his dear once, minghao is one of them. Mess with him, and you will be sued.

Relationship status: single ( secretly committed) shhh.don't tell anyone.

Tagged as: Satan (by his employes)

As soon as Minghao sat down, Boo asked eagerly, "Okay, tell me why you called me?" His eyes were fixed on Minghao, who nervously picked at his own skin

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As soon as Minghao sat down, Boo asked eagerly, "Okay, tell me why you called me?" His eyes were fixed on Minghao, who nervously picked at his own skin.

"What-what are you talking about? What made you think that I called you here for something? Can't I simply hang out with my bestie?" Minghao replied, slyly scratching his head.

Boo grinned in anger, "Minghao, are you nuts? You... you called me early in the morning and said that you want to meet," he blurted out, watching Minghao fiddle with his fingers. "S-soooooo," he pouted.

Seungkwan huffed in surrendering his anger, looking at Minghao's pout. "Sooo! And from then on, you've been calling me like crazy, repeatedly asking if I will surely come."

"Tell me, Minghao, what do you want from me?"

"A job," Minghao said, and Boo gasped in the air, "What."

Minghao looked down at his feet in nervousness. "I told you earlier that you should hire me to increase your sales. So now, I think you really should," he said in one breath, anticipating some peculiar reaction from Boo. And indeed, Boo gasped in the air dramatically, prompting the attention of everyone in the cafe to shift towards them.

"Wha___at? Are you saying," Boo shouted, his confusion evident.

"Shush, we are in public," Minghao hushed Boo, who was obviously bewildered, sitting silently across from Minghao with wide eyes in chaos for a moment.

"Aish... please say it's a joke. You really meant it?" Boo said calmly, but deep down, he was on the verge of losing his mind.

"When I said that, no... but now, yes," Minghao lamely answered, smiling sheepishly. Boo finally lost it, "What? Are you kidding, Minghao? You know that working in a pub is not a normal job," as Minghao's gaze landed down to his feet in nervousness, witnessing Seungkwan losing all his cool.

After some moment later ,

Boo held back his anger, but a question lingered in his mind: What was the need for a job? Was there something happened between Minghao and his partner since he came to Korea? Minghao's eagerness to secure a job made Boo ponder, repeatedly wondering if something had gone wrong in Minghao's life.

"Can... Can I know the reason behind it, Minghao? Why do you need a job? Is something happening between you and Li jie, Ming?" The sudden question hung in the air, and the atmosphere became all too silent. Minghao looked up, taken aback by the unexpected inquiry. Seungkwan was directly gazing at him, waiting for an answer. Minghao, not wanting to worry Boo unnecessarily, chose to remain silent.

Unbeknownst to Boo, Minghao kept the details of his divorce hidden, leaving a gap in the understanding between the two friends.

Observing Minghao's expression, it was evident that he didn't want to answer, but Seungkwan couldn't let the topic slip easily. After a moment of silence, Boo decided to take the dramatic route. "Minghao, why are you hesitating to tell me the truth? Am I a stranger to you now?" Boo said dramatically, swiping a fake tear across his face. Minghao watched the drama unfold with a disgusted look.

Growing annoyed at Minghao's continued silence, Boo decided to escalate. "I think I am really an outsider to you. If you don't want to waste time telling me the truth, I should also not waste any time being with you here anymore," Boo declared with seriousness in his face and annoyance in his voice.

As a viewer, the situation appeared serious, but Minghao was already aware that it was part of Boo's drama. He couldn't help but chuckle at Boo's naivety.

Seungkwan was about to leave the cafe when Minghao shouted, "Wait." Annoyed, Boo turned towards Minghao cheerfully. "Really, you are so kind," he said.

"Kind, my a**. Now get your a** back here," Minghao responded, and as Boo cheerfully came back, Minghao hugged him tightly. While hugging Boo, Minghao felt like he wasn't alone anymore and could withstand any problem with genuine support from his cute friend. So, he decided to tell everything to Boo.

Minghao's consciousness landed on the day of his divorce from Jie.

After a conversation with Jie, Minghao finished packing and received a call from his mother-in-law. She expressed sadness about the divorce, while his father-in-law, audible in the background, was clearly angry. Minghao explained to his mother-in-law that Jie didn't love him but someone else, hoping she would understand.

Despite Minghao's explanation, she persisted in convincing him to reconcile with Jie, citing Jie's protection as a reason. Minghao, already angered, aggressively refused, asserting his independence and decision to leave the country.

He informed his mother-in-law about his departure, expressing gratitude and apologizing for any wrongs. His father-in-law, in the background, urged Minghao to leave without asking questions, revealing the collapse of the family's reputation due to rumors of Minghao cheating on Jie.

Checking social media confirmed the rumors, and Minghao's father-in-law instructed him to go far away and never show his face again. The call ended abruptly........................

I was still thinking if I was STUPID earlier When l don't want to get hurt by this loneliness or now When I wanted this loneliness to not get hurt anymore.

Jie and I got married And then after some time we broke up. We broke up because he said he like someone else. but when I looked after that person I found out that there was no one in his life. Why he lied to me, just to broke up with me. Am I really not meant to be loved by those who I love.*sneeze* "I think, I am having a cold. Again I have to take care of it myself,"*sneeze*.*chuckle"these sneezes won't stop".
End of past memory.


i have done some changes in the story 
hope you would like it 
sorry for being absent for this long 
love u all
bye bye

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