25: That's Your Son

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At Owen's remission party
Carlos's point of view
"Carlos, glad to see you made it." Owen said, as he pulled me into a hug. I've grown pretty close to him, since he moved down here almost 2 years ago. I used to come hang out at the station with Michelle, and Judd. Over time I've become pretty close with Owen, he's like a father figure now. "I wouldn't of missed it, you know that. This makes all the early morning trips to chemo with you worth it." I said, as I smiled at him. I took him to everyone of his chemo appointments. I kind of lost my parents a few years back, well when I came out and he "lost" his son a while back. He didn't lose his son, but his ex wife took all visitation rights from him after TK turned 15. Owen talks about him a lot, so in a way it feels like I know TK, too.

I know he misses TK, since he's constantly talking about him. He has pictures of TK put every where, many pictures on his desk, hanging on the wall at his house, and even one in the visor of his car. Everything I've gathered from Owen is that when his ex wife remarried, she took Owen to court for full custody of TK. I guess her new alpha didn't like Owen around, so he wasn't allowed to see his son anymore. Truthfully it's pretty sad, I couldn't even imagine that. Owen was reluctant to say TK was an omega, but eventually he explained that as the reason that TK hasn't come to find him. It makes sense, since Owen explained that his ex wife, and her new husband like tradition.

Tradition, ugh. It's so annoying that people still think that, that think omegas are property. It just gets under my skin, they treat them like they aren't people. I don't see why it should matter if you're an alpha, or omega. In my eyes everyone is human, and no one should be treated like property. Apparently Owen's ex wife has different thoughts on that, Owen on the other hand disagrees with her. Truthfully he said that's what started most of their problems, after they had TK. I guess it makes sense, she wanted one life for their omega son, and Owen wanted a better life for him. Parents can do some really messed up things sometimes, and I guess this is just one of them. It's really sad, because I've heard similar stories all my life. I don't want to be an alpha that thinks like that, it's not how I was raised. My parents never treated alphas,or omegas differently.

"Thank you for being there for me, again." Owen thanked me again, and I just shook my head as I placed my hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to thank me. I was happy to do it, anytime you need anything you can count on me." He nodded his head, before he dropped the smile. It wasn't long, before he faked one. "Thanks again." He said, as he walked off to talk with everyone else. That wasn't normal, so somethings up. Maybe he is having problems excepting the good news, I'll talk to him later. He just seems to be acting a bit off towards me, which is very odd. He tells me a lot, since we've gotten pretty close. I'm just as close to him, as his team is. I like to take pride in that, this friendship means a lot to me.

After the party
In Owen's office
"You doing alright, Owen?" I asked casually as I sat down across from him, as he started down at his phone. It took a few extra seconds, before he looked at me. "Yeah, I'm alright." He said, quietly and I could just tell that answer wasn't true. "Alright, what's up? You've been off all night, you should be happy. I mean your tumor shrank by 73%, and everyone you care about showed up to celebrate with you." I said, even though I knew not everyone important to him showed up. It's seems like he's been missing TK more, and more recently. I wish I could help him more, but there isn't anything I can do about that matter.

"Not everyone..." He said quietly, before sighing when he set down his phone. I slowly nodded my head, because truthfully what do you say to that. I mean he should be with his son, and he should have a relationship with his son. Every father should be allowed at least a chance for a relationship with their child, and Owen is no exception. He's a good man, and you can tell just by the way he speaks that he cares deeply for his son. "She texted me earlier, and now I can't stop thinking about it." He said, as he glanced at his phone as it buzzed against the desk. "What'd she say?" I asked, before realizing I was asking personal stuff that wasn't any of my business. "She's arranging TK's bonding." He said, as he glanced up at me.

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