5: Keys

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Picking up TK
Carlos' point of view
I smiled as the front door opened to show a smiling, happy Tyler Kennedy. "Hello." He said smiling, before pulling me inside. "Hello, Tyler." Usually he would of groaned at me using his real name, but he's in an oddly good mood. I smiled at him, as he leaned up to pull me into a kiss. It wasn't exactly a heated, and needy kiss. This was more of a passionate kiss, it means more. It's more of a kiss we share, after a hard day. With him it can be because of his cravings for pills, a bad call, just a back day mentally. It could be a few things with him, which is completely fine.

"Well, someone's happy to see me." I said smiling at him, before leaning down and pulling him in for another quick kiss. "Of course, I'm always happy to see you." He said quietly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Alright, how was your day? Everything okay?" I said as I glanced down at him, and he just nodded. "My day was fine, and everything is fine. Actually even better now that you're here. So, Papi how was your day?" He asked, and I laughed a little at the name before answering. "It was pretty good, and even better now."

"Please tell me I heard that wrong." We heard Owen say as he appeared from around the corner, and TK immediately looked up. Me on the other hand, well I just couldn't make eye contact with him after him hearing that. "Dad, were you spying?" TK asked completely ignoring what his dad just said. "Nope, also if someone would of told me last year I would be hearing this conversation between my son, and his boyfriend I wouldn't of believed them." He said, before laughing as TK sighed and buried his head in my chest. "Dad, why do you have to be so embarrassing?" He mumbled against my chest, and this caused both Owen and I to laugh.

"Sorry, well now I know I'm not the only one you call dad." Owen said, before walking back towards the living room, and kitchen area. "I'll see you boys tomorrow, call if you need anything." He called back, and TK finally looked up at me. His face was a bright red, and I couldn't help but laugh at his pouty face he was giving me. I leaned down to quickly kiss his pouty lips. "You are too adorable, now are you ready to go?" I asked, as he nodded eagerly. I just rolled my eyes at the fact of how much he acts like a child. He just acts very immature sometimes, but it is pretty adorable.

A Few Day Later In Bed
"You're... god so... hot" He struggled to say as he was trying to catch his breath, as I was still sucking and kissing down his neck. I just laughed lightly, before I lifted his one arm up by the headboard. We decided handcuffs could be fun, well he decided that and I said we could try it. I leaned forward to capture his lips into another heated kiss, and that's when I heard the very distinct click of handcuffs locking. I could feel the cold metal against my wrist, and I pulled back to just make sure we really just mess up that badly.

"What? Why do... you lo..look so shocked?" He asked slightly out of breath not fully understanding what he just did. I mean he was pretty out of it with how horny he was when I came home, so all this didn't help clear his head. "You just handcuffed us to the bed, and I don't have the keys." I said as I rolled off him, and sat against the headboard, and after a few seconds it finally clicked for him. He looked over at me with this pissed expression, and I know I'm definitely going to get an earful for this. "You don't have the keys? What the hell! Why don't you have the keys on you?" He said clearly mad, as he yanked his arm like it would do something to the handcuffs. "How could you not have the keys with you? What the hell are we supposed to do?" He said, before sighing and reaching for his phone.

"TK, I hope you're aware of what we were planning on doing. I couldn't physically have them unless I held them in my hand the whole time." I said, before pausing and looking at him as he lifted his phone to his ear. "Wait, What are you doing?" I asked, because we are kind of in a sensitive situation right now. "I'm calling my dad, we can't just sta..." I quickly reached for the phone, and removed it from his hand before ending the call quickly. "Hey!"

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