20: Welcome To Texas

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Thank you for reading! In this TK and his mom have a good relationship, as well as his parents. Everyone in this gets along really well, because someone asked for me to do a one shot where they all got along. So here it is! TK's mom moves to Austin to be closer to TK after he gets shot, and hurt again after returning to work. So this is Gwen meeting Carlos, and TK and Gwen have sweet mother, son moments.😊 Enjoy!!

At Carlos' house
TK's point of view
"Ty, you okay?" He asked as he pulled back from my neck, where he was placing small lingering kisses. I sighed as I realized I just completely ruined the mood, even though I couldn't help it. He has to find out eventually, and I know I shouldn't of put this off for so long. I've known for almost 2 months now, and now I'm running out of time. "Alright, let's hear it. What's the beautiful head of yours thinking about, that even I can't distract you from." He said, and tried making light of the situation. I smiled at him, as I leaned my head down to rest on his shoulder, as I wrapped my arms around him wanting him to do the same to me. He didn't disappoint, he never does. "I'm sorry, I ruined your plans." I sighed quietly, because I know he was leading up to adult things, if you know what I mean.

"You didn't ruin anything, now let's hear it." I leaned back enough, so he could see me visibly roll my eyes at him. He just shook his head, before leaning down to kiss my forehead. I immediately put my head back in its original resting place. "Seriously, T you didn't ruin anything. You're here, and that's truthfully all that matters." He said, as I felt him draw a few small shapes on my back. "Okay, I have something I should of told you a while ago." I sighed, and I could feel him tense up a bit, before relaxing once again. "Alright, well it must be important if even I couldn't get your mind off of it." He said, before planting a few kisses to the top of my head.

I finally sat up, so I wasn't leaning on him. He moved his hand to be resting on my leg as we sat on the couch, and he was pretty anxious it seemed. "My mom, well she's moving here." I said quietly, as I looked down at his hand on my leg. "Is that it?" He asked, and it sounded light, and it had a hit of amusement in it. I just nodded my head, as I glanced up at him. "Okay, well that's good. You'll be close to your mom, so maybe you'll build up a better relationship since she'll be closer." He said, as he smiled at me. He doesn't understand, this should be interesting. "Yeah, that's the good part." I said, as I smiled back at him. He still seemed pretty amused by this conversation, which I guess it was expected.

"Okay, so what's the bad part?" He asked as he grabbed my hand to hold, ever since he found out I'm clingy and I like physical contact he makes as much physical contact as he can. "Well, she really wants to meet you. Also, I might of told her about you. She can be really embarrassing, okay maybe not as bad as dad." I said, and yes I had to correct myself when he gave me a questioning look. My dad can say one sentence and have Carlos so embarrassed he won't even look my dad in the eyes. They get along really well, it's just my dad is embarrassing. "Okay, well it should be fun." He said with a shrug, he acted like it was a trip to a movie instead of acting like it was a big deal.

"I feel like you left something out, so come on. What's the rest of it?" He said as he rubbed the back of my hand, it's soothing. "Well, she needs someone to pick her up from the airport. I was thinking since we both have the day off, we could go. Only if you want to, I mean I understand if it's not what you want to d..." I was cut off, when his lips crashed onto mine. Well, that was a really good way to make me stop rambling, or it was a nice way of telling me to shut up. "Ty, it's fine. We can do that, if it's what you want." He said, as his hand gently held my face. I smiled at him, before leaning back in for a few more short pecks.

"Okay, well she'll be here Thursday." I added on quietly, because that might be the part he freaks out about. "Thursday? Like 5 days from now?" He asked, with wide eyes. I just nodded, as I looked up at him. He shook his head, before even saying anything. It's a little hard to read him, when he does that. Almost any other time I can read him like a book, now I'm just confused. "Okay, a week notice would of been good. I can work with 5 days, I hope." He said, and I couldn't help but smiling at him. I just shook my head, before putting my head back on his shoulder. I can't believe how comfortable, all of this is for me now.

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