29: That's your son IV

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Thank you for reading I hoped you enjoyed it., please let me know what you thought of this part and if I should do a part five. I do take requests, so feel free to leave your requests. I do appreciate the votes as well, so feel free to leave those. Thank you again!😊

At the Police station
Carlos's point of view
"Baby, what happened?" I asked as I pulled my chair closer to TK, as he sat in front of my desk. "Babe, let me help you really quick. And the cuffs?" I said, as I grabbed the wipes I keep in my top desk drawer. He didn't say anything, he didn't even look up at me. I grabbed the small silver key off my desk, once I grabbed the pack of wipes out. I gently grabbed his hands to undo the cuffs, that left harsh red lines around his wrists. I gently rubbed the backs of his wrists hoping to ease the irrigation on his skin. "Ty?" I asked again, quietly. He finally looked up at me, and the bruise I could faintly see looked ten times worse. He had a cut lip, and he is definitely going to have a black eye in the morning. He had those teary eyes, and the pouty lip.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked, before bringing his wrist up so I could kiss the back of it. Nothing, not even a slight smile like usual. No emotion, besides those teary eyes. "We were there during the bar fight, that's how I got all this." He said as he gestured towards his face, and shirt. "Sorry, I kind of ruined the shirt you picked out." I just shook my head when he said that, I mean he really thinks I care about the shirt? "I don't care about the shirt Ty, are you okay?" I asked, as I grabbed a wipe to start cleaning his face a little. "Are you hurt? Do you need to go to the hospital and get checked out?" I asked as I gently wiped his face, careful of the bruising and cuts. He flinched away a few times, and hissed in pain every once and a while. "No, I'm fine. It looks worse, than it is." I gave him a look when he said that, because I don't know if I totally believe that. "I promise." He added on.

"If you start feeling worse you'll tell me, right?" I asked hoping he would actually tell me. He just nodded his head, now I have to ask actual questions. "Why weren't you at home?" I asked, and he finally looked up at me with a worried expression. "Did I have to be? I swear I didn't go out alone. I promise." I just shook my head, as I reached for his hand again. "No, you're welcome to leave the house when you want to. Just who's at home with Noah?" I asked, because I know his dad is on a shift. "Your mom came over, and told me to get out. She was just trying to be nice." I nodded my head even though, I'm definitely going to have a word with her. She knows TK has problems going out without me, it makes him anxious.

She likes to babysit Noah, but she always tells Ty to leave the house for a while. Instead it should be go take a nap, or go just relax upstairs for a while. I've told her countless times, don't force Ty to go out by himself. "Ty, we both know you hate going out. Especially to a bar, so why did you pick a bar of all places?" I asked, because usually we go out with the 126 to the bar, but in a big group. "Judd, and Paul invited me. I thought it could be fun, like it usually is. Then we got there, and it wasn't fun. Everyone was staring at me, and they just kept getting closer, and they just kept trying to talk to me. Judd and Paul always forget I'm an omega, so they weren't paying all that much attention." He finally said, as a few stray tears escaped.

"Are they in trouble, because of me? They were just trying to help me." He asked, kind of panicking. His voice creaking a few times. "Baby, no. They shouldn't be in any trouble, you guys just got brought in because we need statements." He slowly nodded his head, as I just kept glancing down at the red rings around his wrists. "I will definitely be having a word with Kyle, about this. Clearly those were too tight." I said as I went back to rubbing the red, raw skin. "Why did they bring you in with cuffs on?" I asked, because usually we don't cuff them unless the victim is giving us problems. "I was crying, and kept asking for you. They probably thought I was drunk, which I'm not. Not even a drop." I nodded my head, because I guess that makes sense, but most the guys on that call know him. It doesn't make sense, one of them should of said something.

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