14: Having My Baby

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Alright let me explain really quick. I know I always make TK's mom seem like a bad guy, but honestly that's how I always see her. Even in the real show, because he overdosed, and got shot not once did we see her or even hear about her calling or anything. So in my mind she seems like a unsupportive mother, or at least one who doesn't care much about TK. So yeah, I guess I make her the bad guy because that's exactly how I see her. Sorry if it doesn't go with what you guys in vision for her, but it's just how I see it and it's easy drama in a way.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any requests you can always dm me them, or leave a comment. I also really appreciate hearing what you guys think of the one shots, so the comments and votes are very much appreciated by me. Thank you!

A Few Weeks Later
"You know every time you see a pregnant person you shouldn't point out how big they are getting. You should just say a normal complaint, or something that doesn't mean you're just getting fat." I said loudly as I sat down on the couch with Marjan. One of Carlos' friends also from Austin PD felt the need to say that when he saw us at the store. Yeah, it just pissed me off a lot. I mean believe me I know I'm getting big, no need to point it out. "Yeah, sorry Alpha's are kind of stupid with a lot of sensitive topics. I mean at least you picked a good one." She said, as I just nodded my head. I was a little too busy watching Carlos and Mateo come back from a jog.

Mateo thought racing Carlos around the block would be a good idea, well clearly we knew who was going to win. I wasn't a bit surprised when Carlos made it back first, and Mateo a few minutes later. Carlos is pretty nice to look at. He's perfect, and has.. well he's just perfect. I also had the best view, Carlos slightly sweaty without a shirt. He always takes his jogging shoes off at the back sliding glass door, so he doesn't track anything into the house. Once again he is actually perfect, he's caring, and considerate. I don't think I could love this man anymore, but there are still many years to come.

"You want a towel?" Marjan asked, before laughing when I looked confused. "You're drooling" I just shook my head, as I still watch him for a moment longer before looking back to Marjan. "Well, I'm 26 weeks pregnant. I look like this, it's fine for me to be looking at my husband like that. I mean come on, you see him." I said, before we both laughed. Who would of thought when I first moved here that I would be married, and have a child within the next 6 years. I didn't think I was ever going to find someone else, let alone someone I wanted to spend my life with and have kids with. I guess a lot changes in just a few years. I know my life was a compete mess when I first got here, but dad is cancer free. I'm married, pregnant, and very happy.

"We're back!" Mateo called when Carlos, and him finally came in. "Yeah, we know TK has been watching very intensely." Marjan said, before elbowing me when she laughed at me when I rolled my eyes. It didn't make me feel any less embarrassed when Carlos, and Mateo joined in with Marjan as they laughed. I'm a grumpy pregnant person, I mean come one what did you expect from me. I'm always like this even when I'm not pregnant, but now it's probably ten times worse. "Well, TK no worries I'm all yours." He said smiling, as he leaned down to kiss the top of my head. Which did bring a small smile to my face, which Mateo and Marjan both awed about.

A Few Days Later
Phone call
Caller ID~ Mom
Hey, mom how's it going?
"Oh, it's going pretty good. How are you dear?"
I'm okay, so I actually called to ask you a few things.
"Okay, well what questions TK? I'm a little busy, but I can make some time for you."
Thanks, um what was the worst part of being pregnant?
"Well, it was probably the morning sickness, or when your hips widen. That was pretty painful, sometimes you can't even walk. Why are you asking? It's not like you will ever worry about that, though."
Yeah, sounds painful. Why won't I have to worry about it?
"Well, because you know how hard divorce is for a child. I don't think you'd want to put a child through that."
Divorce? What about divorce? I'm talking about my marriage, not someone else's.
"Well, dear I know this is hard to hear but you're married to a cop. He won't be there when you need him, trust me you'll be getting divorced within a few years. I've been trying to tell you, since I found out about the engagement but you won't listen. You're also really bad at finding good alphas. You shouldn't make a child go through that, it tends to cause issues for the kids when they get older. The kids usually have bad issues, like drugs and stuff. Well, I guess you know first hand."
Yeah I married a cop, but I'm also a firefighter. We understand each other, and how demanding our jobs are. Besides Carlos, he's an amazing husband. I don't think I could find anyone better....
"Tyler, you can't be a good parent. You're not a stay at home parent, that child won't be raised right. Don't go trying to have a child, think about how that child will feel. Just get a dog, or maybe a cat."
Mom, I...
"Sorry, Honey I have to go work is calling. I'll talk to you, soon. Also make sure you take my advice, it's for the best."
End call~

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