12: I Want A Baby

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At Home In Bed
Carlos' point of view
"So, I've been thinking and I want an honest opinion." I said as TK was laying with his head on my chest. "This should be good." He said smiling lazily at me, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. "TK, will you please be serious about this. It's kind of really important, and I want your actual opinion. I don't want you to answer, based on trying to make me happy." I paused when I heard him groan as I was still playing with the hair on the back of his neck. "Okay, you're not going to ask for a three some or something like that right?" He said, and I could help but laugh along with him. "Of course not, I can hardly handle you. I don't think I could handle another Omega." I said, before kissing the top of his head. "Good, because I don't share well. Now continue on with whatever you wanted to talk about."

"Well, your heat is coming up soon." He groaned to himself when I said that, and I had to stop to laugh. "Anyways, I was thinking we've been married for 3 years. Maybe it's time to start trying for kids, we aren't getting any younger. Also, every time you return after one, your dad is disappointed that we weren't even trying for a baby. It is your choice though, so what do you think?"I asked, because I know at the end I was just rambling. " 'Los, you want a baby like now? And a baby from me?" He just ignored my question, and answered with more questions. "I mean it is your choice, but yeah I want a baby. Yes from you, I can't exactly have the baby." I said laughing at the end.

"I know that obviously, and it's kind of my "job" as the omega. I just, I... a baby is, um." He started talking, before stopping not knowing what to say. "Hey, I married you as my equal. It's your body, so you get to make the decision. Take time and think about it, or if you really are against it just say no. I want your honest opinion, not what you think I want to hear. I love you, no matter what." I said, before planting a few small kisses to the top of his head, and his forehead. "Can we wait a little longer? I want a bay, just not now. I'm not ready to take that much time off work." I smiled and nodded my head when he said that. "That is just fine." I said smiling down at him like an idiot. "I love you, you big goof ball." He mumbled to me as he buried his face in my chest. "I love you, too."

A Few Months Later
"You still snacking on the caramel popcorn, you're going to spoil dinner with all these." I said as I grabbed the bag from him, before he started pouting at me. "I can't help it, they are just so good." He added, trying to grab it back from me. "TK, this is the 3rd bag this week and it's only Thursday. It's not healthy to eat this much junk food." I said, before leaning down to kiss his forehead. "And I'll get fat.." He trailed off looking down, as he played with his hands. "I didn't say that, now what's really going on? "

"Would you get mad if I got bigger?" He mumbled, as I sat down next to him. "Are you okay? What did I miss at that doctor's appointment?" I knew I should of taken the day off and went with him. "I'm fine, just gaining weight." He said, even though it wasn't very assuring. "Okay, well why? It can't just be from the snacking, I mean you've only been snacking a lot the past few days." I said, more as a way of think instead of actually asking him. "Um.. I was wondering how would you feel about having a little one running around here?"

"TK, we talked about this. We don't have enough time for a puppy, even though I know how badly you want one." I said clearly not understanding what he was talking about. "No, 'Los I'm not talking about a dog." He said smiling at me, and finally it clicked. "You're ready for a baby? Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured." He just nodded his head, as he leaned to rest his head on my shoulder. "When do we start trying?" I asked, and he just shook his head before he started laughing. "We don't have to try, I'm pregnant." I couldn't help the ridiculous smile forming on my face. "Are you crying?" TK asked as he wipe under my eye. I didn't answer I just pulled him in, for the most passionate kiss.

"I love you, so much." I said as I smiled down at him, before planting one morw quick kiss. "Can I have my snacks back now?" He said giving me that pout, I doubt I'll ever be able to say no to that face. "Fine, but only a little more. I'm going to make dinner, I love you." I said as I passed back his snacks, before kissing him one more time. "My mom is going to love you even more now, and you're already her favorite." I said, before laughing as I walked into the kitchen. "And your dad, he might start to hate me." I said laughing, as he glanced back at me.

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