22: High School Tarlos

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Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed!!
If you have any requests feel free to leave them in the comments I'll get to them as soon as possible. Happy holidays, and this is going to be the last update for a few weeks to relax after the holiday season.

At TK's for dinner
TK's point of view
"Hey, Los what are you doing later?" I asked as I lean over, while I had my arm around his shoulder. "Um... homework." Carlos said clearly not understanding what I was hinting at. I sighed and leaned back when my dad cleared his throat. Well that was a failed attempt, and even my dad laughed a little about it. I mean we've done it so obviously Carlos isn't completely innocent, hell he wasn't even a virgin when we had sex, but I was. I mean come on I'm more dirty, than he is.

"So, what are you boys planning on doing tonight before you head home?" My dad asked as he was trying to hint at the fact that Carlos isn't spending the night. "Well, actually his mom invited me to spend the night. If that's okay with you." I added on to the end, and no she won't be home. I mean come on I would be passing a good opportunity if I didn't spend the night with Carlos. "Alright, that's fine. She'll keep an eye on you two probably just as good as I do." He said before shrugging, I'm just glad he didn't ask if she would be home.

Morning 10 am
Carlos' point of view
"Shit, my mom is gonna be home soon. Hurry get your clothes on, this could end real bad." I say to TK as I hand him his clothes, he spent the night last night. I forgot to tell my mom he was coming over, and she don't care as long as she know. Well, mister forgetful didn't remember. Now we are both rushing to put our clothes on, because well it was a real steamy morning for us. "Would you relax, your mom can't get mad at me. I mean just look at me, I'm so cute, and she also love me too much." I smiled, and nodded my head before leaning over to kiss the top of his head. "Yeah, you are one hundred percent right. Everyone loves you, especially me." I smiled at him, as he finished putting on his pants. "You know, she can still be mad at me though, and that would mean being grounded. Neither of us want that, do we?" He just shook his head, as he come over to wrap his arms around my neck as I had wrapped my arms around his waist. "No, because then you will be stuck at home, and you can't sneak out ...." He more of mumbled, as he started kissing on my jawline. He has this obsession with my jawline, he just always has been. Yes, I do mean always wants to kiss it, whatever he can do to it he wants to. He is very dirty minded for looking so innocent, I mean I wouldn't believe it if I didn't experience it.

Afternoon 12 am
911 dispatch line
"Hello, 911 what's your emergency?"
"There has been a car accident on South Sunset drive. We need an ambulance."
"Okay, ma'am. How many cars were involved?"
"Just 2."
"Okay, does everyone....."
"You need to hurry, the young man is trapped in his car. He is unconscious, he has a huge gash on the side of his head."
"Okay, how many people are in that car with him?"
"Just him."
"Okay, the paramedics are on the way. In the other car is everyone okay? And how many people are in the other car?"
"Just one, and he's out walking around."
"Okay, how old does the young man in the car appear to be?"
"Young, maybe late teens."
"Okay, do not try to remove him from the car. Just wait for the paramedics, and if he wakes up explain to him what has happened. Remind him he needs to stay calm, and don't move a lot."
"The paramedics should be there any minute."
End call

10 minutes later
Carlos' point of view
"Ma'am, you need to step back so we can do our job." I heard someone say, as my ears were still buzzing. I tried lifting my head, and it just fell right back to it's previous location. I opened my eyes more to see what was happening, and notice all the glass shards around me. I noticed all my windows smashed out, and all these flashing lights around the car. I was kind of in my own little world till I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I moved my eyes over to see someone, in some kind of uniform. He might be a firefighter, or a paramedic. I don't know exactly, my vision is a little blurry as I look at him. "Buddy, just hang in there. Okay? We are gonna get you out of there really soon. Can you do me a favor, and tell me your name, and age?" I swear I must of been looking at this guy like he was an alien, or something. "Bud, did you understand me?" I nodded my head slightly, before feeling this stinging pain run up my back, and neck. He seemed like he was inspecting the cut on my forehead, more than listening to what I was about to say. "My name's Carlos Reyes, and I'm 17." He nodded his head, as he signaled to someone standing over a little ways from the car. "Okay, well just hold on. I'm gonna call your parents, and Patrick here is gonna get you out." I didn't nod my head, I learned my lesson last time. "Tell, my mom to call TK." He didn't ask any questions about that, he just turned to Patrick. "He seems to be functioning fine, but I still think a proper scan of his brain would be a good idea. After seeing that gash on his head, it's better to be safe than sorry." Patrick just nodded his head, and the other man just walked away.

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