9: Best Friends or Lovers III

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At lunch
TK's  point of view
I just sat down at my lunch table with my friends, Emma, Megan, and Sam. Yes they are all girls, get over it. Carlos had to stay late in gym class today, but he should be done pretty soon. I sit down, and the conversation I just walked into was definitely something. "No, I'm just saying my first time was okay. I mean his dick was small, but it was pretty good overall. Emma, how was your first time?" I heard Sam saying, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. This isn't exactly an unusual topic for them to talk about. As odd as it seems I've never slept with anyone, I know big shocker. Confident, handsome, and I'm still a virgin. "Well, I had a good first time. My boyfriend was very sweet, and loving about it." And then all eyes turned to me.

"What?" I asked, because I felt odd with them all staring at me. "Your turn, how was your first time?" I shook my head, everyone just assumed I've slept with at least one person. "I haven't had it, yet." They all looked amazed. It's true even though I was with Alex almost two years, it just never felt right. Out of everything that he did to me, he never forced me to have sex with him. Sure he forced me into doing other things for him, but not sex. I guess he didn't want a rape change, as well as domestic abuse.

"Have you, and Carlos done anything? I mean come on, He is like the hottest guy at our school. And he hasn't tried to do anything with you, what the hell?" Yeah, Sam is the very aggressive one. And then Emma started in. "You haven't done anything to him? You haven't even teased him or anything?" I nodded my head. "Trust me, I have tried. And we have done a few things, nothing major." They nodded their heads. "Well? Explain." All three of them said together. "Well, I have given him a few hickeys."

They all seemed very underwhelmed. "That's it?" I was quiet for a few seconds, and Sam started talking. "You did do something more, I can tell. Come on spill." I sighed. "Fine, I might of given him a few blow jobs." They all seemed so shocked when I said that. "Oh my God, and we thought he was the dirty one out of all us." Emma said, as everyone was so shocked still. "Did he give you anything after that?" I shook my head, I mean I didn't want anything back, so I was fine with just doing it for him with nothing in return. "What the hell? You give him a blow job, and you don't get anything in return. How is that even fair?" Sam asked seeming more upset than I would of been.

"He offered, and I said no. He did sit there after and tell me how good it felt." Sam had to put in her comment after that. "God, you are such a whore. Whores love getting praised." Now Emma was interested in this conversation. "So you have seen it, is it as big as everyone thinks?" I blushed as she asked this question. Do people actually think about that? Never mind.. "Yeah, it's definitely something to brag about. And it was so nice." I said smiling at them. "Oh my god, he really is a whore." I couldn't help, but laugh. I was finally happy in my relationship, and it felt like a real relationship instead of a owner and their property. "Well, was his dick good as far as you could tell?" I nodded my head, when Sam asked her question.

And then I felt someone's hand on my back, and felt that person sitting down next to me. "What are we talking about?" 'Los asked as he kissed my temple. "Dic..." I heard Sam start to say. "Nothing, nothing at all. How was gym class?" I asked him, really trying to avoid the conversation that could of started. "It was just fine, finally finished all the presidential fitness testing, and I think I did really good." I smiled at him. "That's good." He always, and I mean always did well on the presidential fitness test.

"So, are you still coming over tonight after school?" I asked as he kissed the back of my hand. "Yeah, so it's just gonna be us?" I nodded my head, dad is on a 24 hour shift so Carlos is coming to spend the night with me. I heard all my friends let out a collective gasp. I looked over at them, before turning back to Carlos. "Yeah, dose your mom know?" I asked because, I don't want her to hate me of him sneaking out or whatever. "Yeah, she just doesn't know your dad is on a long shift. It's fine though, she wouldn't care either way." Sure, my dad doesn't know he's coming over but it's fine. I mean come on I have to live a little, and also what's the big deal I can't get pregnant. So I see no problems with this.

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