Chapter 11 Knock Knock. Who's there? Pain.

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The reds were outside of the base. Grif was briefing Sarge on what happened while Lopez repaired the Warthog.

Grif: And then Ruby thought we could sneak around the rocks, but, uh, well, that's when the tank showed up. . . and shit just started blowin' up. I don't know.

The sergeant sighed.

Sarge: Grif, do you have any godly idea how much this piece of equipment costs?

Grif: I-I don't know uh, ten, twenty, twenty five bucks. . . . You-you're gonna kill me now, aren't you?

Sarge: Tell you what Grif, I'm a fair man. I'll give you a ten second head start before I let Lopez do whatever he wants to you.

Grif: Guys, I just want you to know, I'm really, really s-

Ruby: SAY SORRY TO MY LEG YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The magenta armored girl was standing atop the base with a crutch to support her right side.

Sarge: I'll also let Ruby shoot you, Five Mississippi.

Lopez drew his Assault Rifle while Ruby drew her Magnum.

Grif: Okay, uh, I better get going then.

Sarge readied his own Magnum and the three opened fire while Grif ran for his life!

Grif: Hey, guys! This is not funny, somebody could get hurt here!

One of Ruby's bullets hit his leg, sending a jolts of electricity up his body! She couldn't bring herself to shoot real bullets, no matter how pissed off she was.

Grif: Fuck!

*At Blue Base*

As the red fired at their teammate, Freelancer Tex fired at the client.

Tucker: That's basically it sir. They have five guys, a hot girl, and a big jeep.

Tex: And your flag.

The black armored mercenary reloaded his pistol. His voice was extremely deep, almost unnaturally so.

Tucker: Right, that too.

Tex then threw a grenade which exploded soon after.

Tucker: Uh, hey, Tex? I don't know what it's like at your other bases, but we try not to use other soldiers as target practice here.

Caboose stood in front of a wall that was littered with bullets.

Caboose: I'm scared. . . ,

Tucker: So. . . You've got the special forces black armor, I see. . . . Were you in the Special Forces at some point?

Tex reloaded his weaponry.

Tucker: Yeah, I used to have black armor too. It was black because I got this stuff all over it-

The Freelancer began to leave.

Tucked: O-Oh okay. You've gotta go? I'll see you later.

Caboose: I don't think he likes you.

The rookie whispered.

Tucker: Thanks.

Tucker and Caboose moved to the edge of their base, seeing that Tex was about to set off.

Tucker: Where are you going?

Tex: Red Base. Kill everybody. Get the flag back.

He left and began his mission.

Caboose: Oh, okay! We'll just stay here and guard the trans. . . porter.

*At Red Base*

Ruby was no longer on the roof, and was in her room recovering while the others were on the roof.

Grif: So. . . Ruby's shock rounds hurt.

Simmons: Tell me about it.

Simmons rubbed his shoulder from the one time he was hit with one.

Simmons: She's usually so nice, but when she's pissed. . . she's a monster.

Suddenly, Donut walked onto the roof with the Blue's flag in his hand.

Donut: Hey, since I captured the flag, you think they'll give me my own color armor now?

Simmons: What do you mean "captured?" You thought you were buying it at the store you i-

Ruby: Simmons.

Ruby's voice echoed throughout the base. Her room was right beneath them.

Simmons: S-Sorry ma'am.

Donut: Still, you think there's a shot?

Simmons: Maybe they'll give you Grif's armor since he destroyed the Warthog.

Grif: Technically Ruby's plan did.


Even Sarge heard that.

Grif: U-Uh, you don't think they'd actually do that, do you?

Meanwhile, Lopez and Sarge were working on the Warthog.

Sarge: Try connecting that hose to that metal thingy there. I think that's what's making that rattle.

Lopez stared at him blankly.

Sarge: I. . . think I'll let you do it.

He then heard something.

Sarge: What the. . .? What was that?

Atop the base, Grif was alerted by something.

Grif: Simmons, what's going on? What's over there?

Simmons: I thought I saw something for a second.

An invisible soldier slipped by them.

Grif: Hey rookie, put that flag somewhere safe until we can figure out what's going on.

Donut: Good idea, I was sick of carrying this thing anyway.

He threw it into the base as the invisible Tex threw a sticky grenade.

Simmons: Did you hear that?

Grif: Yeah.

Donut: Hey, what's going on.

The sticky grenade suddenly stuck to the rookie's head. It hissed as it began its countdown.

Grif: What the fuck?

The orange soldier stepped back as he noticed it.

Simmons: What is that thing?

Donut: What thing?

Grif: There's something on your head.

Donut: What? Is it a spider?! Get it off!

Simmons: No, it's not a spider. It's like a blue thing.

Donut: What, like a blue spider? Get if off!

Grif: It's not a spider! Calm down. It's some kind of. . . fuzzy pulsating thing.

Donut: That doesn't sound much better than a spider.

Simmons: Does it hurt?

Donut: No.

Simmons: Maybe we should try to take it off.

Grif: Good idea, go for it.

Simmons: Me? By "we" I meant "you." Asshole.

Donut: Well somebody needs to get it off. Look, it might be dangerous.

And the grenade exploded.

Grif/Simmons: Son of a bitch!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season One Where stories live. Discover now