Chapter 19 Last One Out, Hit the Lights

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Grif, Simmons, and Ruby were atop the Red Base as usual.

Simmons: Hey?

Grif: Yeah?

Simmons: You ever wonder why we're here?

Ruby: Still crash landed.

Grif: No, I never, ever, wonder why we're here. Semper Fi, bitch.

Lopez arrived only to make a weird nose.

Ruby: Lopez, you okay?

Church: (Spanish) Guys, I need to give. . . you a. . . warning. . .

Ruby: A warning?

Church: (Spanish) What? Why am I speaking Spanish? I don't know Spanish?

Ruby: What the heck are you talking about? You've either not spoken or spoken Spanish.

Grif: Wait, Ruby, you speak spanish?

Ruby: Understand, not speak.

Church just groaned.

Church: (Spanish) No, listen to me! The mean woman is going to kill you!

Ruby: Mean woman? Kill us? I'm confused.

Church: (Spanish) She's fixing the tank!

Ruby: The tank?!

Grif/Simmons: The tank?!

*With The Blues*

Tucker: Aw, crap. Caboose, she's almost done fixing Sheila. I better radio Church and let him know what's going on.

Caboose proceeded to beg Tucker to let him use the radio.

Tucker: Yes, you can be the one who radios Church.

Caboose: Thanks man.

The rookie switched on his radio.

Caboose: Church. Come in Church. This is your close, personal friend, Private O'Malley.

Tucker: O'Mally? You said your name was Caboose.

Caboose: I never said that, you guys did.

Tucker: Why didn't you correct us?

Caboose: Because I didn't want to be difficult. Come in Private Church. Do you copy? Soldier unit Tex almost has the armor vehicle situation rectified. Okay, we require verification. . . of your. . . mission-ness. How is your progression?

Church then came on the radio!

Church: (Spanish) Caboose, only one of them here is listening to me! I can only speak Spanish for some reason!

Caboose stood there for a second before turning to Tucker.

Caboose: He said he wants to talk to you.

Meanwhile, Tex fixed the tank.

Sheila: Thank you for activating the M8O8V Main Battle Tank.

Tucker: Oh shit, we've got trouble.

*With the Reds*

Ruby: Where is the tank?!

Church: (Spanish) Probably coming here!

Grif: Hey, I think if you're gonna live in this country, speak the language!

As he complained, the faint sound of a targeting system echoed through the canyon.

Ruby: Grif shut the heck up! Also, we aren't in a country!

A missile then hit the side of the base!

Grif: Son of a bitch!

Simmons: Son of a bitch!

Church: (Spanish) Son of a bitch!

Ruby: Get down!

The four took cover as the tank began to blast the base! Ruby took a small peak and noticed who was piloting it. . . .

Ruby: Allison?

Sarge then came on the radio.

Sarge: Simmons, I'm coming around in the Warthog. Get ready to take the gunner position when I come by!

Simmons: Roger that.

They then heard an explosion. Sarge came by and Simmons hopped onto the gunner position!

Simmons: Alright, I'm on board!

Sarge: Alright, here the plan-

The jeep was immediately struck by the tank!

Sarge: JUNEBUG!!!!!!!

The two rushed up the ramp to the roof.

Grif: Wow, back so soon? Did you guys win the war already?

Simmons: Yeah, uh, did you want to finish telling me the plan now Sarge?

Sarge: If we survive this, I'm gonna kill both of ya.

Ruby: Guys, now is really not the time!

A missile hit the wall she was taking cover behind!

Ruby: Crap!

Their resident pink soldier then came onto the roof.

Donut: Hey, what're you guys doing up here?!

Grif: The chick in the black armor is back!

Donut: What chick, the one that stuck the grenade to my head?

Simmons: That's the one.

Donut: The same chick that's the reason I'm stuck in this light red armor?

Grif: Donut, I understand the need to safeguard your masculinity, but really dude. It's a whole lot faster to just say pink.

Donut: Ohh, oh I've been waiting for this!

The pink soldier ran up to the edge of the roof!

Ruby: Donut, get down!

Donut: Hey, bitch! Remember me? I saved something for ya!

Donut pulled his arm back and launched a sticky bomb of his own! The thing arched high into the sky, every Red and Blue's eyes were trailing it.

Tucker: Man, that girl's got a really good arm.

Ruby: Oh no!

The bomb attached right onto Tex's chest!

Tex: Aw, Crap.

Donut: Hell yeah! That's three points, you dirty whore!

The bomb detonated!


Church: (Spanish) Dear god, no!

Church sprinted towards the tank while Ruby attempted to, but couldn't make farther than a few feet due to her broken leg.

Grif: Uh, where's Lopez going?

Sarge: To fight the enemy head on in hand-to-hand combat. Mano y Mano. What a brave little compadre. Lopez, I never understood a word you said. But I do know one thing, you hated Grif, and that's the most important thing there is. Adios amigo, adios.

Simmons: Shouldn't we help him?

Sarge: Nah, that would just ruin the moment.

*With Tex*

Her body was bloodied and her armor was badly damaged. She was on the ground as Church approached.

Tex: Church, is that you? It's-It's gone Church. The A.I., it's gone. . . Thank you. Hrrrrrrk, blegh. . . .

Agent Texas died. . . . On the cliff, the cyan and blue soldiers observed everything.

Tucker: Crap, Church is gonna be pissed and now hems got a body to kick our ass. Come on, Caboose, let's get back to base.

Caboose: I told you my name isn't Caboose.

He turned as his voice deepened.

Caboose: My name. . . is O'Malley.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season One Where stories live. Discover now