Chapter 12 Down, but Not Out

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Grif: No, don't kill me! I'm too good looking to die!

Caboose heard that from his scope. He was observing the freelancer from the Blue Base.

Caboose: Man, he is really kicking their asses.

Tucker: How come I never get the fucking sniper rifle?

Caboose: I'm really glad Tex is on our team and not theirs.

Tucker: Sure makes things a lot easier on us.

Caboose: Yeah. I think switching Tex for Church was a good trade.

Tucker: It definitely seems like your killing Church is starting to work out for us.

Caboose: You know, you think so? You know, I was gonna say something, but, uh. . . Well, you know, uh, nah.

Tucker: Did Tex get in the base?

Caboose zoomed in on Tex. The mercenary was looking at the roof of Red Base from the outside before moving into the base.

Caboose: Yeah.

?: Blue Team, Flag Returned.

Tucker: What the?!

He turned to see that the ghost Church had returned. The ghost cleared his throat.

Church: Sorry, that was me. I guess I had something stuck in my throat. Your flag is back by the way.

Caboose then turned as well.

Caboose: Hey, it's Church!

Church: Yeah, it's me. Hey Caboose.

Caboose: Hey Church! What are you up to?

Church: Caboose, I'm not really here to make small talk, okay?

He chuckled a little between words.

Church: How'd you guys manage to get your flag back?

Tucker: Wh-What? Oh. Th-That flag? W-We've always had that.

Church: Tucker, who do you think you're trying to fool? Hey wait a second, where's Tex?

Tucker: I'm not really sure. He said he was gonna go to the store, something about, uh, elbow grease.

Church: Oh great, this is so typical! What was the one thing I told you guys the last time I appeared?

Caboose: That Sidewinder is cold?

Church: Ugh, What was the OTHER one thing I told you?

Tucker: Not to let him get involved.

Church: Right, and what did you do?

Tucker: We. . . let him get involved.

Church: And not just a little involved, how involved?

Caboose: Very. Very involved.

*At the Red Base*

Tex was within the base, about to escape, but Sarge cut her off and aimed his shotgun!

Sarge: Freeze.

Lopez then appeared on the other side.

Sarge: Drop your weapon.

Tex dashed for the other side of the room, Lopez and Sarge shifted their aim to him and were about to fire but stopped when they heard a soft 'clink.' The Freelancer froze in place. . . .

Ruby: Don't. Move.

The magenta girl's Magnum was pressed to the back of Tex's head.

Tex: Hey bud-

Ruby pulled the trigger and an electric jolt completely knocked out the freelancer!

Ruby: Talking is moving.

On the roof, the others were beginning to shake off their injuries.

Grif: What the. . . my freakin' head.

Donut was completely unconscious.

Grif: Jesus.

Simmons: He's hurt Grif. He'll make it, but we need to get him some help fast.

Grif: Yeah yeah, hold on a second. What happened here? First Donut's head exploded and then you fainted. Then some black thing showed up and-

Simmons: Woah, woah, woah, woah! I did not faint, something knocked me out.

Grif: Alright keep lying to yourself. Whatever keeps you up at night.

Simmons: Man, just go find Sarge. We need to get Donut help.

Grif: Yeah sure. Oh, and I'm fine by the way, thanks for asking.

The orange went to go find their CO.

Simmons: Whatever, no one likes you anyways.

*With the Blues*

Caboose watched them through his scope.

Caboose: Yup. He's definitely captured. Or dead. Captured or dead. Or captured AND dead!

Church: Oh, well, that's just perfect.

Tucker: What is your problem? Why do you even care if he's captured? I thought you hated that guy anyway, for stealing your girlfriend.

Church: I never said I hated Tex. I just said she was the reason we never got married. . . .

Caboose: She. . .?

*At the Red Base*

Simmons: Sarge, we need to get Donut air-lifted out of here.

He and Grif were talking to Sarge while Ruby and Lopez had their Magnum and Assault Rifle trained on Tex.

Sarge: Could you put that in a memo and entitle it, "Shit I Already Know?" Get on the horn with command!

He then turned to their prisoner.

Sarge: Well look who's up. Rise 'n' shine, buttercup.

Sparking noises came out of the freelancer as the voice distorted.

Tex: Oh great.

Her voice. . . was that of a woman's.

Tex: You broke my voice filter. You cockbiting fucktards!

Grif: Aha! I knew it! Only a chick could give me a headache this big!

A shock round hit his leg!

Grif: FUCK!

Ruby: Shut up Grif!

Tex: Wait, that voice is familiar. . . .

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season One Where stories live. Discover now