Chapter 8 - The Borrow

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As usual, most of the summer between second and third year was pretty uneventful for Betelgeuse.

After she had left the twins on the platform, Betelgeuse apparated with Kreacher in her living room. There she was welcomed with open arms by the proud Slytherin. She had not forgotten the last letter.

"Meus Stella," he exhaled with joy, embracing the smaller figure.

"Hello, proud Slytherin," she jested, returning the hug.

"Let us get you settled first, then you can narrate me everything," he encouraged steering Betelgeuse towards the stairs and her room.

"Kreacher, prepare supper, please. We will join you shortly."

And so they did. Betelgeuse unpacked her belongings, set free Castor and proceeded to bathe and change in clean clothes. She then went downstairs, where the two were waiting for her in comfortable silence.

"When did you realise the plant was fake?" Betelgeuse asked suddenly.

Her companion froze with his spoon in midair and fixed the girl with a glacial look. Betelgeuse knew he could do better.

"Very witty of you," he drawled.

"It was a harmless prank. You should see what the twins do at Hogwarts," Betelgeuse argued with a smile.

"Oh? The sons of Molly and Arthur Weasley?" He asked curiously.

Betelgeuse nodded. "You already know. They are my best friends. They are real pranksters. I think they could prevail on the Marauders."

As soon as the words escaped her lips, she saw the colour drain from his already fair complexion. "Marauders? How do you know of such a name?" He asked in a whisper.

Betelgeuse studied his face, his eyes now held anguish and an emotion akin to affection. She recounted how she and the twins had gained the Marauder's Map and how they had discovered its secrets. He listened with delighted attention to her story, smiling and chuckling when she told him about the Dungbombs they had used against Filch. When she finished her recollection, she quietly added, "One of the Marauders was my uncle."

It was not a question, and he knew it. His star was too bright and did not deserve a lie.

"Yes, Sirius Black was indeed one of the infamous Marauders," he nodded with soft words.

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