Chapter 10 - The eye-opening Sorting Ceremony

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"How unique."


Betelgeuse toyed with her emerald green pendant, as she discussed the news of the Gringotts break-in with Alicia and Angelina.

"It's horrible," Alicia said, as she passed the Daily Prophet to Betelgeuse. The young Black scanned the front page, trying to find a hidden clue about the ordeal.

"My parents reckon it's You-Know-Who," Angelina declared.

Betelgeuse was about to answer when the compartment's doors slid open. A young girl with already her uniform on appeared in the doorway. "Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville Longbottom lost it."

Betelgeuse perked up at the surname, recognising it instantly, but remembering that she had been rudely interrupted during a serious conversation, she regarded the girl with an aggravated look. 

"No, sorry," Angelina replied, noticing that Betelgeuse had no intention of uttering a word. The new girl nodded and without a single glance, left the compartment, closing the door behind her.

"Where did common decency go?" Betelgeuse mumbled, frowning at the closed door. Angelina regarded her friend with an amused glance. 

Betelgeuse quickly re-immersed herself in the previous discussion; she heard Alicia say, "What would he be doing now? Nothing was stolen from the vault, the Daily Prophet is adamant on that. He has been defeated!"

Betelgeuse shook her head, "Defeated?" Five pair of eyes fell upon her. "No, definitely not defeated. He might have been weakened, but he has always laid waiting in the shadows," she finished ominously.

"Way to lighten the mood, Bel," George commented.

"What if he's back for Potter now that he is in Hogwarts?" Fred suggested.

"I shudder to think what would happen," Betelgeuse stated, watching the green Scottish scenery pass by.


"You okay, Bel?" Fred asked Betelgeuse as they sat at the Gryffindor table. The Sorting Ceremony would start any second.

Betelgeuse nodded absently, "Of course, I was thinking about the upcoming year." Then she turned fully to her russet best friend. "What if he is really back, Fred?"

Fred detected an uneasy tone in her voice. "Don't worry, Bel. Dumbledore is here. Nothing bad will ever happen to us while he's in Hogwarts," he finished, squeezing her hand.

"Here they come!" George pointed to the long line of first-years entering the Great Hall behind Professor McGonagall. Betelgeuse scanned the crowd, spotting Ron and Harry.

They all watched as the first-years stopped in front of the stool with the Sorting Hat. It began to sing about the four Houses, and Betelgeuse noticed Ron glowering to Fred. 

"I told him we had to battle a mountain troll," Fred revealed, smiling to a grinning Betelgeuse. 

They applauded as the Hat ended its song. Professor McGonagall began reading the long list of names, and the Sorting Ceremony started.

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