Chapter 12 - Anyone can speak Troll

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"Did Pretty-boy Diggory all of a sudden get sexier?" Angelina inquired, startling Betelgeuse at breakfast. 

Sexier? Is she mad?

"Have you seen the way he looks at Bel?" Alicia inquired.

"Have you seen the way Betelgeuse looks at him?" Katie Bell added. She was a second-year Gryffindor that had passed the Quidditch try-outs a few days ago, making the new chaser of the team. Now she could always be seen with the older girls. Alicia finally admitted her obsession with the Frog Choir and tried Quidditch. She was officially the reserve chaser of the team, to the delight of Betelgeuse.

"Have you seen the way Betelgeuse looks at Betelgeuse?" Angelina added, making Alicia snort.

"WHAT THE HELL! Give me a bloody break, you three!" Betelgeuse hollered. "I am going to the library, do not follow me!" She ordered, mumbling about the stupidity of matchmaking.

They have had a class this morning with the stuttering mess that was Professor Quirrell. A useless lesson on the presumed ability of the iguanas to deflect spells.

While you are duelling, you say to your opponent, "Oh wait a minute. I have to get an iguana, you know for security measures!" How is that useful?!

Betelgeuse arrived at the Hogwarts Library, located off of a corridor on the first floor. She saw the librarian Madam Irma Pince scold some first-years. Betelgeuse mused that they had dared to breathe on a book. The librarian had a vulture-like countenance, with sunken cheeks, skin like parchment, and a long hooked nose.

While stern bordering on the extreme, Betelgeuse judged her fully capable of acknowledging students who did respect the rules, behaved prudently and displayed an interest in education and reading. She has never had a problem with the librarian.

She was sitting at an empty table with her essay on Runology nearly finished when she noticed Draco Malfoy enter the library alone.

Betelgeuse followed with her eyes the boy as he disappeared between the narrow rows of the library. She decided it was the time of introductions.

She silently walked behind him, noticing he was nearing the Restricted Section. The Restricted Section was right at the back of the library, and he stopped before the rope that separated these books from the rest of the library. She observed him calmly, then decided to make her presence known.

"If you desire to venture in there, I am afraid you have to do it at a more appropriate time and with more discretion," Betelgeuse drawled slowly.

The blond-haired boy spun around, startled by the sudden voice. He quickly regained his bearings. "Who are you?" He spatted.

Betelgeuse was momentarily stunned by the harsh tone, but she too quickly regained her aloof countenance, like the true Pureblood she was.

"I am greatly saddened that you do not know who I am, Draco. How disappointing, dear cousin," she stated with composure, watching his visage twist in a mask of confusion.

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