Chapter 79 - The Face of Death

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"Sei l'ospite d'onore del ballo che per te suoniamo, 

 posa la falce e danza tondo a tondo 

 il giro di una danza e poi un altro ancora 

 e tu del tempo non sei più signora."

Angelo Branduardi - Ballad in F# Minor (Death) 


"It was amazing! Exhilarating even!" Lee declared as he flanked Betelgeuse and Fred as they strolled through Hogsmeade.

The boys had just passed their Apparition Test with flying colours.

Betelgeuse made a face.

"Oh, come on, Bel! Don't be such a wet blanket. Just because you haven't turned seventeen yet, it doesn't mean you have to sulk like that," George spoke, making Betelgeuse scoff.

Hogsmeade had been hosting practices for fifth years before the exam. The younger Black could not take hers until September, but she had been practising alongside her friends.

Apparition was a magical form of transportation, in which the user travelled instantly from one location to another. This was achieved by having the user focus on the selected location in their mind and then intentionally disappearing from where they were to reappear at the desired location. Apparition was by far the fastest way to get to the chosen destination but was tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched.

Angelina had barely passed her test, having left the ends of her hair behind.

"Bel will pass the test without problems. Shut up, you two," Fred grumbled, throwing one arm over Betelgeuse's shoulders.

Betelgeuse arched an elegant eyebrow. "Oh, my devoted russet champion, defending my honour."

"Champion?" George inquired, frowning. "Champion? As in one champion? Singular?!" He demanded in a high pitched voice. "Oh, what grave treachery, what perfidious felony!" He continued, holding his right hand over his heart. "The Cruel Lady Black struck again. Without mercy, she butchered the golden heart of her true devoted champion AND, may I dare say, best friend, the incorruptible George Fabian Weasley."

Betelgeuse attempted and failed to conceal her smile at her best friend's antics.

Fred grinned, shaking his auburn-haired head.

Lee let out a frustrated noise, trekking his way back to the Castle, mumbling about the utter madness of today's youth.


They walked down to the Quidditch field where the Third Task would take place. The Quidditch pitch was now completely unrecognisable. Wood would have bawled his eyes out if he had seen such spectacle, Betelgeuse mused.

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