Chapter 26 - An invisible crack

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Please, stay.


January arrived, and with that, the second term began. Betelgeuse was currently seated alone in the library, finishing her schoolwork. Professor Flitwick had agreed on letting Betelgeuse take some of his more advanced Charm classes this term. So, she was currently working on her nonverbal spell assignment for Charms in the peace offered by the library.

She heard footsteps approaching until a person stood before her table. Betelgeuse did not raise her head from her Charms book. She already knew who the intruder was; she did not give any sign of having heard anyone nearing or even being interested in starting a dialogue.

At last, the person cleared his throat, "Sorry to bother you."

Betelgeuse leisurely raised her head, studying the boy before her, "Hello, Potter." She was slightly irked by the boy's lack of manners as she observed him sit down in front of her without an invitation. Betelgeuse discarded her assignments and stared unwaveringly at Harry. He wanted to inquire about the Chamber, of that she was sure, she could read the blatant question in his green eyes. She continued to stare him down, waiting.

Harry shook his head, "No one talks to me."

Betelgeuse was confused, even though her face remained a mask of indifference, "And you are complaining about it. Why," she responded flatly. Harry chuckled, ruffling his already messy hair.

Betelgeuse turned fully to him, "How can I be of assistance, Potter?"

Harry seemed hesitant, "Well- I wanted to ask you- yeah, about the Chamber of Secrets." The boy finished scratching his neck nervously.

Betelgeuse composed herself, narrowing her grey eyes. She had known he would have asked her, but the blatant disregard for her request of not searching for the blasted Chamber irritated her heavily.

"I did not take you for an amnesiac, Potter."

"Well— yeah, I know you said not to look for the Chamber of Secrets, this is why I searched for you. I was assuming since—"

"Since I come from a family of pureblooded maniacs?" Betelgeuse inquired bored.

"I didn't mean—" Harry tried to amend hurriedly.

"I know, Potter," Betelgeuse calmly replied, "No need to atone for something that you assumed right." She raised gracefully to her feet, gathering her books, "Walk with me."

Betelgeuse began to march out of the library, as Harry scrambled behind her. They walked in silence for five minutes, until they reached the scores of the Black Lake. The girl left her bag near the roots of a majestic tree, then she scrutinised the crackling surface of the lake, imagining what its black depths hid. "What do you need to know, Harry?" She asked suddenly, startling the boy. He was not used to being addressed by the older girl by his first name.

Harry took a deep breath, beginning to explain how he knew that the Chamber had been opened once before, and someone had died. Betelgeuse whipped her head to the side, fixing Harry with a penetrative stare, "How did you come by this knowledge?"

Harry fell silent, not wanting to reveal the existence of the magical black diary he had found. He tried to banish the memory of the peculiar object from his mind, feeling as if she could have discovered his secret otherwise. Betelgeuse saw it all; his fragile untrained mind screamed to her the information she needed. She advanced to the boy, making him step back in fright, "What you are playing is a dangerous game, Harry."

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