Chapter 78 - The Third Task

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For some a prologue.

For some an epilogue.


"Altair!" A voice rang across the Castle grounds on a sunny day at the end of May.

Betelgeuse had been doing her Prefect duties with Hogwarts Champion and Hufflepuff Golden Boy Cedric Diggory when she heard the gruffest and loudest of the voices call for her. She paused, making Cedric turn towards the source of the noise.

"Why are you galloping around, shrieking like one of your winged beasts, this fine, alas, not longer, peaceful morning, Captain?" She inquired, arching a black eyebrow.

"I missed my favourite Chaser, that's why!" Charlie roared, grinning and encasing the younger Gryffindor in his muscular arms.

Betelgeuse could not refrain a surprised squeak as he lifted and twirled her around, beaming. As the Black regained her footing, she sent Cedric a glare. He tried to suppress a smile but failed as he observed an accomplished expression adorn the freckled face of the Weasley. "I'll leave you two. See you soon, Betelgeuse," he stated, smiling.

"So!" Charlie began, raking his hands through his flaming red hair. "How's my little brother?"

Betelgeuse rolled her eyes. "Ron is fine, as far as I am concerned."

"I'm not talking about Ron," Charlie replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

"George is creating havoc somewhere as we speak," the girl insisted, unhurriedly walking without waiting for Charlie.

"Wrong twin, Black."

"I do not know of the whereabouts of Percy. Perhaps he is somewhere shining Mr Crouch's shoes with his tongue."

"Altair," Charlie deadpanned, couching. The girl had an awkward and polished sense of humour. He loved it.

"I am not chitchatting about my relationship with you," Betelgeuse finally declared as she oversaw a group of Ravenclaws chat about the upcoming event.

The mood in the Castle as they neared June had become excited and tense again. Everyone was looking forward to the third task, which would take place a week before the end of term. The Black exhaled softly, then she narrowed her eyes, turning swiftly towards the older wizard. Charlie was grinning from ear to ear.

"I am not chitchatting about my relationship with you," he repeated, attempting to imitate her poised accent. "I am not talking about the relationship that you, Charlie, you fabulous, fabulous man, had foreseen a long time ago, aeons even!"

"I do not sound like that," Betelgeuse protested as Charlie threw his head back, laughing.

"You do, Altair, you do!" The auburn-haired man declared in his deep voice. "I don't know how he managed, but Freddie boy got the best girl in all England. He's a lucky sod, my brother."

Betelgeuse quietly huffed as she endeavoured not to show how Charlie's words had affected her. Her fair and pale skin had tinted a lovely shade of rose pink as one of the most important male figures in her life spoke so highly of her.

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