Chapter 46 - Career Advice

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"Two consenting adults should be able to duel each other to death without legal repercussions."

"Bel, no —" 

"You are right, I am still underage."

"That's — that's not the problem!"


The twins trying to make Betelgeuse understand 

the impracticality of cold-blooded duels.


The team's euphoria at the final Quidditch winning lasted at least a week. Even the weather seemed to be rejoicing. The days became cloudless and bright, and all anybody felt like doing was strolling onto the grounds and flopping down on the grass with several pints of iced pumpkin juice. They all wanted to play a casual game of Gobstones or watch the Giant Squid move dreamily across the surface of the lake.

The twins would have loved to continue the festivities that followed Gryffindor victory. But after successfully having dragged Betelgeuse to the Hog's Head for some Ogden's Old Firewhisky and having left the pub arm in arm with a vampire instead of their best friend, they decided that it was time to stop the partying.

Exams and O.W.L.s. were nearly upon them, and instead of lazing around outside, the students were forced to remain inside the castle. Even Fred and George had been spotted working with Betelgeuse. She thought they were brilliant and academically gifted; they only lacked motivation.

Betelgeuse stood in Professor Lupin's class, observing him stroll around as he spoke. "Today we will be learning the Protego spell. Does anyone know what the spell does? Yes, Ms Johnson?"

"It's a shield spell. It's a charm that protects and blocks physical entities."

"Excellent! Now, to be able to produce the spell, you have to say it with strength. Everyone, lean back now and say Protego!"


"More conviction!"


"Brilliant! Now, settle down, settle down. Can I have a volunteer — you don't even know what for — willing to help show the class the spell against me." Professor Lupin's eyes scanned the crowd of students. His green eyes met the bored eyes of the only student with her hand not raised. "Ms Black, care to join me up front?"

Betelgeuse moved placidly forward away from the twins to stand across Lupin. He began talking once again, "Not to fear, I will be using a tickling charm."

"I do not hold fear in my heart, Professor," The Black aloofly commented.

"Right —" Professor Lupin cleared his throat, "Ms Black, I will cast the spell at you several times, and I want you to block it using the Shield Charm, verbally." Lupin finished, eyeing the girl knowingly.

Betelgeuse charmingly smiled, "Of course, Professor."

She stood with her feet apart, widening her stance; her ebony wand was ready. Professor Lupin shot the spell without warning her first. Betelgeuse quickly held her wand out, "Protego!" An invisible shield was conjured in front of the Black's wand, creating a protective barrier between them. There was a small round of applause before Lupin continued to use the spell. Betelgeuse kept blocking his attacks with surgical precision until she cast a silent Shield Charm. It revealed itself to be a peculiarly powerful one because she accomplished in knocking Lupin off his feet.

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