Chapter 28 - It's over

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Percy's got a girlfriend.


The last couple of months had been rough on the students of Hogwarts. There was a constant fear looming on their shoulders. Some students began writing letters at home, asking to withdraw them before it was too late. Betelgeuse intensified her correspondence at home, briefing him on everything that was going on. Now she spent her days attending classes, studying in the Common Room, or writing letters; her date with Adrian was a just distant memory. Fred and George tried their best to keep the spirits high, but it was hard when they did not want to laugh either. They had noticed the change in their little sister's demeanour. Ginny had become more apprehensive and introverted over time.

The glorious golden age of pranks was momentarily over for the trio, especially with the new 'teacher always have to be with you' rule.

Summer was edging over the grounds around the castle; the sky and the Black Lake turned periwinkle blue, and flowers burst into bloom in the greenhouses.

Betelgeuse had apprehended Hagrid the keeper of keys and grounds of Hogwarts had been sent to Azkaban. Harry had disclosed what he had discovered one evening when he had found the older girl alone. It was assumed Hagrid was the one who reopened the Chamber because his expulsion from Hogwarts was for the same occurrence. The Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge insisted on taking Hagrid, and on the same night, Dumbledore was asked to step down as headmaster by the school governors.

The circumstances were worsening faster than Betelgeuse had anticipated. With Dumbledore gone, panic had spread as never before; there was scarcely a face to be seen that did not look troubled and tense, and any laughter that rang through the corridors was hastily stifled.

Betelgeuse noticed with disdain that her dear cousin Draco seemed to be thoroughly savouring the atmosphere of fear and suspicion. 



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One Friday, Betelgeuse was sitting in her Charms class when she remembered Professor Snape had asked her to assist him during his lesson to the second-years.

"Professor," She called Flitwick, "I have a permission slip from Professor Snape for this hour class. May I be excused?"

"Certainly, Ms Black. I will personally escort you," Professor Flitwick responded.

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