Chapter 57 - The Portkey

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"Remember tonight,

for it is the beginning of 



Betelgeuse has been sleeping in Ginny's room with the other two girls, and as always, she woke up before the first light of dawn.

She quickly and soundlessly walked out of the bedroom and down the crooked stairs, avoiding the creaky floorboard she had committed to memory through the years.

After landing at the end of the stairs, she leisurely wandered towards the dim kitchen, brushing her long black hair. Betelgeuse had intended to make herself a cup of tea and go out in the cool morning breeze to observe the shimmering sky, but upon entering the small kitchen, she spotted her best friend George with a steaming cup of tea in hand, leaning against the window.

He gifted her with a sleepy smile. "Morning, Bel."

"Good morning, George," she replied, fastening the ropes of her green satin dressing gown she had providentially put over her white nightgown. The crisp air from outside had seeped inside the kitchen.

"Fancy a cuppa?" George asked, pushing himself away from the kitchen counter.

Betelgeuse nodded, looking outside the window over the sink.

"Here," George said as he handed her a mug full of black tea.

They sipped their drinks in comfortable silence for long minutes, relishing in the peaceful and relaxed atmosphere.

Betelgeuse had soon discovered that, even though the twins acted and lived as one, they were vastly different in terms of personality.

George was the quieter, gentler of the twins; his sense of humour was not harsh like that of Fred. The older twin was more outgoing, daring, and sarcastic, even crueller on occasion; George, on the other hand, was the most moral among the three of them. He was her best friend and her confidant, and she trusted him wholly.

"Where is your brother?" Betelgeuse asked, turning to the taller boy.

"Which one?" George cheekily replied. "My daft and uglier twin? He's upstairs, sleeping. Lucky sod."

Betelgeuse nodded, observing the boy rake his hand through the mop of hair on his head. It was as if all the Weasley lads had agreed to grow their hair out that summer, following Bill's example. Charlie, Fred, George and even Ron all wore their hair rather long.

She had to admit that the twins pulled their new hairdo quite well.

"Come with me," Betelgeuse stated as she put down her cup. George followed her out through the back door to the yard without questions. They both shivered as soon as the morning breeze touched their skin, but Betelgeuse did not mind.

She led George up to the low slope near The Borrow and sat down on the soft grass at the top. The sky was still littered with bright stars that looked like precious gems thrown on a silken deep blue curtain.

"How did you know of this place?" George asked, looking up at the natural spectacle.

"I saw it from your sister's bedroom window," Betelgeuse replied and leaned back on the grass, not caring about the morning dew seeping into her hair and clothes.

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