Chapter 67 - Of Ageing Potions and Champions

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"Bottoms up!"


As the next day was Saturday, most students would normally have breakfasted late. Betelgeuse, however, was up before the break of dawn, adding the final touches to the Ageing Potion she had brewed the previous night.

"How old are these bananas?" Betelgeuse inquired in mild disgust, eyeing the brownish fruit in Lee's hands.

"Apologies, Lady Black," he replied in a grumble, peeling the first banana, and tossing it into the fuming cauldron. "Your humble and prostrate servants did not have time to fetch the ripest and freshest of fruits this fine morning. They tried not to fall asleep on their feet."

"Tone down the sass, Jordan," Fred spoke, peering over Betelgeuse's shoulders. The red-haired teenager quietly yawned. "Let Bel concentrate. Do your magic, love."

She finished stirring the potion, and the liquid began to turn the bright green Betelgeuse had read about.

"I do not guarantee satisfactory results," she stated.

The twins cheered loudly, ignoring her comment. They jumped to their feet and dragged the black-haired witch with them, crushing her in a suffocating hug. They bounced on the spot, kissing her all over the face.

"Cease this childish behaviour, George!" Betelgeuse ordered sternly as the younger twin landed yet another kiss on her fair visage.

"Never!" George hollered before chasing Lee with the same intent.

"Sod off, George! Leave my face alone!" Lee cried out, ducking under the taller boy's arms.

"No, come here, Lee-lovey, let me kiss those roguish smooth cheeks of yours!"

Fred and Betelgeuse shook their heads as they watched the two boys wrestle and bicker around the dorm.

"My cheeks aren't smooth; I shaved yesterday, you moron!" Lee argued.

"Yeah? What for? Does baby-faced Lee-poo want to do grown-up stuff?" George mockingly cooed.

"Thank you, love," Fred quietly spoke, kissing Betelgeuse's forehead and making her divert her attention from the scene before her eyes. "Have I ever told you how incredibly wonderful and brilliant you are?"

"Yeah, like a hundred times or more," came the teasing voice of George. "Now, stop that sappy rubbish and help me catch this slippery fish."

"Oi!" Lee cried out in outrage. "Slippery fish? You call all this finery 'slippery'?" The boy asked, gesturing with his hands down his body.

"It may become slippery," Betelgeuse composedly pondered, frowning slightly in contemplation.

Three sets of eyes zoomed on her, confused. Then one by one, the three teenage boys understood the meaning behind the Black's words.

Fred and George roared with laughter, clutching their stomachs as a florid blush rose on Lee's rich brown cheekbones.

"Bel, you're awful!"


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