Character Bio

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First Name - Ruby

Last Name - (Unknown)

Hair Color - Raven

Eye Color - Scarlet Red

Age - 21

Armor Color - Magenta

Primary Weapon - SMG

Secondary Weapon - Magnum

Rank - None

Specialty - Medical/Healing

Personality - Kind and caring, easily angered, sensitive to insults, assertive when annoyed, terrifying when angered, trusting, honest

Likes: Friends, light craftsmanship, shock rounds, training, video games, organization

Dislikes: Explosions, betrayal, when people move when told to not move, liars, broken bones

Mental Status - Amnesiac

Physical Status - Freelancer Level

Origin - (To Be Revealed)

Upon crash landing into Blood Gulch, Ruby loses most of her memories and almost everything about her past. The Reds allow her to stay with them and she begins to form bonds with each of the Reds and Blues during their crazy adventures.

(A/N - An updated bio will be posted at the start of Recollection and another at the start of the Chorus Trilogy)

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season One Where stories live. Discover now