chapter 21

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"I suggest you all reload your weapons and don't quit now. The battle has just begun." Anaiya was strong, independent and merciless. I adjusted my outfit to be more fighting functional as I led Gabby in the direction Anaiya led us. We all followed along with the agents we found gathered outside the office. We were all ready, mentally preparing for what we were about to face. We marched alongside the prints in the mud, the prints of Cerberus. Gabby was still processing everything but her face changed. She suddenly looked angry. She turned her jeans into shorts and adjusted her shirt. She stormed up to the front with Anaiya. She said something to her that was inaudible due to the distance I was away from them. A smirk crossed Anaiya's face as another weapon, Johnny's sword, materialized in Gabby's hands. She bowed and walked alongside her. I knew they were both thinking the same thing. They were both determined to kill Ms. Rev.

Leilani stepped beside me. "We won't let them. We'll stop them before it gets to that." I nodded. I hoped she was right because I don't know if Gabby could return from that. It felt like we'd been walking for hours. Night had slowly became day as day slowly became night again. We were all tired, some of us injured as we fought more demons on the way. Anaiya stopped at a clearing, we all lined up beside her to see. Demons. Her mother. They were waiting for us. "Ah both my darling girls, here to take me down." Leilani stepped next to Anaiya. There was an army of demons. "You chose the wrong world to terrorize." Anaiya had crouched as if a cat were ready to pounce and took off across the clearing. All agents charged in after her. I took the gun and shot any demons who got in my way. I spotted gabby and she was doing better than I was. She was slaughtering any and every demon that came across her. I realized she was making her way to where Anaiya's mother sat. The others were all just managing to stay alive but many demons still got their share of blood along with the agents.

I chased after gabby, killing and dodging as many demons as I could. I had been clawed at a bit but I wasn't going to let her torment herself like this. I grabbed a hold of Gabby's arm and ducked as she swung her sword at me. "What are you doing?" she glared at me. "Don't do this! This isn't your fight! You'll only hurt yourself more and this won't bring him back." Her glare turned into hurt. She looked over at Anaiya who was taking down multiple demons easily then at her sword. "What... What am I doing?" She dropped the word and hugged me. I rubbed her back, comforting her. I noticed Anaiya glaring at me before she turned and took off towards her mother. "Nia! NO!" Leilani pinned Anaiya to the floor as they struggled. "DO IT NOW!" Eli ran forward next to me as he started reading from a page in this weird book he had. "No!" Anaiya's mother lunged toward us from her seat but was stopped by a sudden chain that bound her neck and arms. They were golden. Magic. They were absorbing her powers as Eli continued to read the page. "NO!" Anaiya roared and rolled, pinning Leilani to the ground as she ran towards her mother.


The agents and demons had all stopped battling as we watched Ms. Rev drained of her powers. She fell to the ground. She was mortal now but Anaiya raised her hand as if to cut her down. "Don't Anaiya! Look at you!" She stopped, hand raised in the air. She looked at me. "Look at yourself, you've taken on this form that you claim you hate so much and now you're about to strike down your own mother who is only human now." She winced and growled as her hands pressed against the sides of head. She began to shrink back to her normal size, her form changing back into a human. She was pale. I realized she had a huge wound in her side that was bleeding out. Agents call an ambulance. Demons began to disappear or de-materialize as trees began vanishing.buildings appeared but were wrecked and falling apart due to the sudden trees growing through them. The office returned to ti's original place where police sirens were heard as military and other agents from different countries came to investigate.

Anaiya was placed on a stretcher and rushed to the nearest hospital, her sister rode with her. I sat with Eli in the back of an ambulance. "I-I can't believe we actually made it." He sighed in relief as he rubbed his face. I nodded and rubbed his back. I looked up to see Gabby and Savannah getting in a helicopter to be escorted home. At least they were safe but who knew she'd use them to get to Anaiya. She really was a heartless mother. "Speak of the devil, literally." I watched as police wheeled Ms. Rev strapped down to a dolly. Eli watched as well. They loaded her into a metal truck and it drove off. "They'll be taking her to an underground prison, I heard." I smiled and nodded. "Good." An officer approached us. "Is there anywhere you two would like to go?" I looked at Eli and nodded. "The hospital please, we have to make sure our friends are okay." He nodded and we followed him to a squad car. We got in. He drove us to the hospital quickly. We hurried inside. "We're here to see Anaiya Revs." The nurse at the receptionist desk nodded. "Room 105." We nodded and hurried to her room. We walked in to see her sitting up and laughing with her sister. "Hey guys." Leilani looked over at us. We walked over and I chuckled. "Must be nice to be half demon." She scoffed. "Please all I needed was a blood transfusion from my father. The devil, who literally has to travel around the world to come see me. Thankfully he came as soon as he found out what happened." She rolled her eyes. "Hey, you're lucky your dad was even willing.

Eli and I sat beside Anaiya and chatted away. We were all glad we made it out alive and we planned to bury our comrades and friends together in the cemetery by Anaiya's house. We joked and ordered food as soon as the doctors discharged her. Thankfully Anaiya's dad had her house instantly repaired so we went back there to eat. This certainly ended better than we expected.

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