Chapter 17

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    It had been an hour of running, dodging demons and collecting souls. The souls made our weapons stronger. We stopped for a minute to catch our breaths. I then noticed Gabby was staying a close distance away from our group and leaning against a tree. I walked over to her and lightly tapped her shoulder, I smiled when she looked at me but it quickly faded when I saw her expression. Her eyes had dark bags under them, they were a darker brown and she looked so pale. “You should rest.” She just nodded and walked back to the group. I watched as she laid beside Savanna and they both drifted to sleep, I turned my attention to Laney who was making a list of some sort. Andy just watched her. They both wore serious expressions and talked among themselves, I sat next to the girls and relaxed against the tree. We were supposed to be there by now but it seems to be farther away than usual.

    I was starting to doze myself when the loud sound of an intercom horn blared, startling the two girls awake. We all turned our attention to the invisible screen that appeared in front of us. “Well, well. How are my champions doing?” Laney just glared up at her as Andy didn’t even acknowledge that she was speaking. “I’m sorry about Jace, that wasn’t supposed to happen but you can’t really stop a hungry hellhound can you?” She laughed exhaustedly, then I noticed it. In the corner of the screen, where her shoulder blocked the background, was a large blue/purplish bruise that seemed to be covered in dirt. It was still noticeable though, I looked over at our group and they all seemed to notice it. ‘I’m so sorry she’s doing this to you.’ “You guys did well, you figured out where I was a bit later than expected but that’s alright. Your friend Jace was just a simple casualty and it’ll motivate you to get here sooner than later anyway.” She laughed another fake laugh and disappeared.

    We had to help her, she’s suffered enough. “Now that we know she’s not trying to do this to us, we know who we need to take out whoever is.” Laney drew an outline of what I assumed was a football play. “The ones we need to take out are her parents, specifically her mom. We all know she suffered abuse from her mother and that her dad was ever around.” I nodded in agreement as Andy helped the girls up. “Why not the dad too?” “Because he was never around so what makes you think he would come around now, he’s just a dead beat but by the skill level of Anaiya’s powers we can tell her father is no ordinary demon but the demon king himself.” “What?!” We both turned to see Gabby, the anger that she had buried has finally let loose. “No way! Anaiya couldn’t be related to that heartless monster, she’s too human for that to even be possible!” She stomped over to us as Laney stood up. “I’m sick of you putting the blame on her! I'm tired of doing this all together!” We all stood there, stunned by the young lady’s outburst. She always seemed so calm.


         I sat at the stairs of the throne, letting my wounds heal. “You should thank me, now everyone will fear you and respect you.” I could tell my mother was smirking even though I refused to face her, my life has always consisted of her trying to destroy earth before my father could come here. I rejected my mother's offer as soon as she told me my husband would disgrace her name but I don't even have her name, I have my fathers and I'm proud that I've managed to keep the world safe from people like her. She's killed two of my friends, my husband and now she's trying to destroy the society I have kept safe for so long. I ignored her remark and continued to watch the wounds on my arms heal, I won't let her get away, this was all I could think. She was starting to make me angry and I was really close to losing my temper, but she knew that I couldn't kill her so her hateful words and taunts kept coming. “To think you'll become a great and ruthless ruler after your mother.” She smiled maniacally and that's when I had it, I grabbed her by her hair and threw her into cerberus. She summoned demons but since Cerb liked to explore we wandered through one of her portals and I knew I'd be fine. I watched as Cerberus angrily and happily ripped her apart, each head taking their own parts to eat. I patted his head and smiled. I knew what I had done and it only made me feel powerful.

I stopped fighting back my demon and let loose, I knew my friends would come to kill me after what I am about to do but I didn't care. I wanted to be with my husband and that's all that mattered to me. I've killed my mother and now I can finally be free, I sent Cerb out of the cave to attack my friends. He knew what I was thinking and reluctantly went out to do his task but not after nudging my hand sadly. I sat on the throne and. smiled in defeat. “I'll be waiting.” I laid back quietly and revelled in the silence, the peace my mother's death brought me.

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