Chapter 7

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I hated having to sit here alone with this arrogant, upstanding knight but after we were prohibited from getting on the ride without a ticket there was no say in the matter. I don’t trust that knight or Anaiya. I used to think she was a great authority figure for Savanna but after her husband’s death it was like something changed and she just snapped. I’ve been trying to investigate her but everytime I do, my sources get blocked. The only person I trust is Agent Bond. I sighed. ‘I’m not going to get anywhere like this.’ I turned towards the knight and reluctantly smiled. “They’re wild huh?” I looked at the knight in shock, that is the first time he’s spoken to me. “Yeah.” I watched as the rollercoaster passed a second time and waved at Savanna. “I’m Johnny.” I nodded not looking at him this time. “Andy.” The girls were still on the ride, as they were helped off one by one.

There was silence for a moment, I decided to see if he was told about the situation with Agent Holman. “Do you know Agent Bond?” “Not that I’m aware of no. Why?” I thought it would be best to tell the knight so he can protect Princess Gabby in case anything were to happen. I may not like the Powell family but I don’t like putting others in danger either. “There’s an Agent Bond that works at their company, he’s been doing an investigation on Agent Holman.” “Why are you telling me this?” I practically sighed in frustration and turned to him, “I may not like your family and who you work for but I think it’s best you know this. Apparently Agent Holman is involved with demons or dangerous people, Agent Bond was supposed to be put on our case but he’s so busy investigating that they put another agent in charge. A well trusted agent at that.” “Demons? Dangerous people? I highly doubt that. She may be suspicious and a bit off but demons don’t exist.” I sighed and shook my head, taking my phone out of my pocket. “Here.” I dialed Agent Bonds number and handed it to Johnny as it rang. He reluctantly took the phone and put us on speaker.


I was walking through the woods towards Agent Holman’s old crime scene, where her husband died, when my phone rang. I nervously answered. “Hello?” “Hello Agent Bond.” I sighed in relief at the familiarity of Andy’s voice. “Sorry, is there something you need?” “Yes I'm here with a knight from the Powell family and I thought it would be best if you explain the situation to him as well.” I got a bit nervous because I didn’t know if I could trust this knight but sighed in reluctance. “Ok what would you like to know?” “Why are you investigating Agent Holman? Is she that dangerous?” I took a deep breath to not cause a panic attack or trigger an anxiety attack for myself.

“Well it's the fact that her husband's death has caused certain phenomena to occur and…” My sentence was cut short by the snapping of a branch and the rustle of leaves causing my head to snap up so I could look around. “Agent Bond.” I heard Andy call from the other side of the phone. I took a cautious step forward when I was suddenly knocked off my feet and darkness covered my view.


“Cameron?” I heard a loud crack followed by a thud and the sound of clothes being rubbed against each other or something being dragged. I looked at my phone and then at Johnny, who also had a worried and angry expression across his face about the sudden silence coming from the receiver. I was going to call out to him once more when I heard the sound of something hit something metal. The sound seemed to be getting further away from the phone when the call suddenly cut off. I then realized the situation and dialed Agent Holman. The call went straight to voicemail which made Johnny and I even more nervous.

We both looked at each other slightly panicked. I immediately called Agent Reeves, as soon as he answered I began to explain the situation to him and asked him not to tell Agent Holman. He agreed and said he'd call back as soon as possible, my guess was that he was going to go look for Agent Bond. Johnny and I both waited until Gabby and Savanna got off the roller coaster, we pulled them towards the car we arrived in and began to explain the situation to them at least some of it so they didn’t start to freak out too. We got into the car and thankfully I had my license so I drove us back to Agent Holman’s house where her car was gone and the house was dark. We didn’t know how to get in without her so we had the girls sit on the front porch as we paced the yard trying to figure out what was going on.

We waited in the driveway until we saw the headlights of Agent Reeves jeep pull up. I rushed over as he jumped out. “Is she home?” Eli quickly checked his watch for something before shutting. “I don't think so, all the lights were off when we got here.” I followed Agent Reeves up to the porch as he entered the emergency passcode. The door unlocked and we rushed inside to see the house completely trashed. Why was her house like this? There were holes in the walls and what even looked like blood on the floor and couch cushions. Our first thought was break in but I started to think about everything that just went down, I assumed she made it look like someone broke in or Cameron woke up and tried to fight her off. The blood on the couch was either his from injury or hers from defense wounds. Either way there was a major struggle here. That’s when I really noticed it, multiple footprints of different sizes were leading from the back door to the front.

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