Chapter 11

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I remember the sound of Agent Reeves voice and a loud bang. I woke up on the grass of the house with Savanna holding my head in her lap. I looked to see savanna with tears in her eyes. “Are you alright?” I sat up to see Anaiya's house in flames, burnt furniture and rubble were scattered around us. Savanna rubbed my back and brushed the grass out of my hair as fear and confusion washed over me. I looked around at the debris and spotted Eli by an ambulance talking to an officer with Johnny being treated for what looked like a severe burn wound. It took me a moment to process where I was and what was going on. I heard the explosion but I thought it was a dream. Johnny came over then wrapping a blanket around my shoulders and held me close. After a moment of questioning and examination we were taken to the agency we first arrived at. The agents were rushing around. Johnny was pacing which caused the guard to fidget with anxiousness as well. We all wanted to know what was going on and what was going to happen. One thing I knew for certain was that this wasn’t Anaiya, she wouldn’t do this. Who is doing this to us?

I sat next to Savanna who was curled up on the lobby bench by Eli’s desk, as we cuddled each other. “Yes I'm positive, if I hadn’t noticed the hair that was on the stove I wouldn’t have even looked.” Eli looked upset and it was obviously showing, there was also this painful and almost scared expression mixed with a frown on his face. “I’m glad you’re alright though. I’m even happier that you took that painful trip down memory lane or else you wouldn’t have noticed it.” “I’m just mad that I didn’t grab that hair out of the freezer, it could have been useful evidence but I was more worried about the others upstairs.” I saw Eli glance at us as he continued talking to Agent Carter. Johnny and Savanna's guard joined in on their conversation. “Your boss gave us the results, apparently the fingerprints were not from Anaiya or anyone who has been in the house knowingly. She said that the fingerprints belong to something that isn't in any of the DNA databases. As for the bomb the material is unknown because it was destroyed as soon as it exploded. It left no traces.”

Eli stared at the ground with his hand on his chin, Laney looked over the result papers in anger and confusion. I heard a sigh as they said something to each other that was indecipherable, Agent Reeves and Agent Carter went up the stairs as Johnny and the guard came over to us. “We'll be staying here from now on due to the unidentified motive of our assailant. I still don’t understand what kind of bomb leaves no traces of anything.” The guard shrugged and sighed as they took a seat on the floor in front of us. We waited for a good hour maybe until someone finally escorted us to the room they were preparing for us. I shared a bed with Savanna because I didn’t want to sleep alone since Johnny and the guard were sitting in the chairs by the bed. I was so tired that as soon as my head hit the pillow, I instantly fell asleep and so did Savanna.

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