Chapter 6

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“Eli!” I looked up from the remote to see Agent Reeves. “Anaiya!” I saw the agent hug Anaiya. I gasped. “Your Agent Holman?!” Anaiya nodded slightly with an amused smile on her face as if she thought it was funny I was just now figuring it out. “That makes so much more sense now! I thought you were a cop or something because they kept saying Anaiya instead of Agent Holman. Is that why you left us?” I then heard Savanna start giggling behind me as Anaiya nodded once again.

I looked up at Eli, who was trying not to laugh too. “Sorry. We should have explained that to you.” I pouted, I've never been laughed at before. I was going to yell at them when I heard a loud slapping noise. I looked up to see Eli rubbing the back of his head. “It's rude to laugh at a princess, especially when the person laughing made the same mistakes before meeting me.” Anaiya glared at him which caused him to look down in shame and embarrassment. “Sorry.” He muttered, still rubbing the back of his head. I smiled and giggled. “It's alright.” I nodded thanking Anaiya as she nodded back.


I walked down the stairs to see that woman slap Agent Reeves in the back of the head. I looked at Gabby and noticed her look of distress. I quickly walked over to her. She looked up at me and got close to my face. “I'm alright, I was a little surprised that Anaiya was Agent Holman. You look a lot different when you’re in uniform.” I gasped and turned my head to her quickly. She rolled her eyes. “Is it that surprising that I'm Agent Holman, I'm sure I'm at least a little recognizable in uniform.” She sighed angrily and rubbed her temples. She then headed into the kitchen and out of our eyesight.

Gabby pulled me close by my elbow and held her new phone in front of us doing what I assumed was her taking pictures of us, so I smiled. I grabbed my sword off the couch and wrapped its holster around my waist as I looked around the house taking in the details. I may be getting a more modern upgrade but I was not going to walk around without my weapon. Gabby looked up at me disappointed. I sighed and took it off, I'm glad I took those physical combat classes before we left the kingdom. I wouldn’t tell her that though because she wants me to relax. “Well, since we have only five more hours of daylight, let's get going.” I stepped forward and looked at the Agent. “Where will you be taking us?”

The Agent raised an eyebrow. “The fair and the new restaurant that opened downtown, those will be our first two sightseeing stops for the day.” I nodded and looked back at Gabby who was practically screaming with Savanna. I sighed and smiled slightly, I may not trust her but they were so happy to be together. ‘I'll allow them to hang out but, I'll be watching that guard.’ Gabby linked her arm with mine as we headed out to a jeep that had no ceiling or doors. I was against the idea because of the safety risk but Gabby was basically bouncing on her toes as she pulled me in and hugged my arm as he drove off. The Guard and Princess Savanna in the back seats. After what seemed like an hour, he took us to the carnival or fair or whatever it’s called. There were people and kids roaming around with hands full of either toys, food, or drinks. I kept Gabby close in fear that she might get hurt but she kept pulling away from me to join Savanna. The Guard and I ended up sitting on a bench near the food stands, I sighed and looked over at him. He seemed just as exhausted and worried as I was. “They’re wild huh?”

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