Chapter 18

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        We decided it was best to keep moving after he heard a thunderous howl through the trees. As we were walking, we could feel the ground start to shake as booming steps got closer. I looked up at the trees to see what looked like ears maybe but I thought I couldn't be since each set of ears moved in opposite directions. That's when the howl from before was so much louder. I then felt someone grab my arm, pulling me forward. I looked forward to seeing Eli holding my hand as he continued to run, I followed as best I could. The steps seemed to continue getting closer and once again I looked back above the trees, this time I saw the top of three dog heads but only one body. My carelessness caused me to trip over a large fallen branch. I winced as I sat up, Eli once again helped me up but this time he was carrying me. He continued to run ahead, focused on getting us to safety but my attention was turned to the giant shadow that went over us. The cause of the shadow howled, causing all of us to skid to a stop. A giant dog blocked our path, it was a demon with three heads and a gigantic body. I then remembered a story my father told me about the protector of the gates of hell. Cerberus, a three headed demon dog who could change its size on command of the king and not only did it viciously protect the gates of hell. It protected the royal family of hell.

         I was frozen in place from fear and awe, it was so beautiful making me want to pet it but in fear of what it could do to me, kept me in my place. I looked over at Laney who was blocking Savannah while Andy kept his gun pointed at the creature. I felt my feet touch the ground as I heard the click signaling Eli just took his gun off safety. Everyone who held a weapon stood between the beast and Savannah and I. I was terrified, paralyzed to the ground. I wanted to run, I wanted to scream but I just couldn't move. The thing I wanted most though was for it to retreat back to its owner in the farthest part of the forest, for it to not hurt anyone else I cared about. I couldn't do anything except stand there and stare up at the large beast. It bared its fangs at us, its canines stained red from the blood of our comrades. It lowered its head as its jaws widened. It was going to devour us and I could do nothing to help. Everything moved in slow motion.

    That’s when we heard it. A whistle that sent the demon from snarling to wagging its large tail causing trees to move with the wind. It’s ears were perked up and it didn’t seem so scary anymore, it was like looking at an oversized puppy.

    We all looked around for the source when we spotted her. Anaiya. She was running towards us with a worried expression. “Cerberus! What have I told you about approaching people like that when you don’t know them?!” The oversized beast then crouched below the trees and let out loud whine. That’s when the feedback sounded again. Her mother once again turned on her worldly intercom. “My daughter has finally arrived, I really can’t get anything past you can I?” The look on Anaiya’s face reminded me a lot of when a cartoon character gets angry. I could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. That’s when I noticed someone standing next to her, an older woman with red and grey hair. I wasn’t the only one who had noticed because Laney had spoken up. “Who is that?” Anaiya turned her attention to us and sighed softly. “This is my sister Leilani, she heard what was going on from a colleague and rushed over, especially when she heard it was our mother wreaking havoc.” I was glad to meet her, we all shook hands. “Wish it was under better circumstances.” Her voice was smooth but it was obvious she was younger then Anaiya, what she wore and the bright colors in her hair gave it away.

    I really wished it was under better circumstances though. Anaiya sighed if exhausted and I watched as she gently put her hand on her side. Leilani leaned down and whispered something to her before Anaiya quickly shied her away. Her sister was concerned for her and so was I. It was obvious she was injured again, it had to be when they were coming to get us.

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