Chapter 1

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It was only three in the morning when I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. I pull the covers off my head and pick up. "Hello?" I hear an odd rustling noise and then a creak of what I assumed was a chair. "Agent Rev, I have a mission for you. Get down here as soon as possible and make sure the new kid makes it to my office as well, you'll be working with him." he hangs up before I can even protest the idea of working with the new guy. I sigh and get up, set my phone on my desk and plug it up to the charger. I look through my wardrobe, pull out a plain red long-sleeve shirt and regular black dress pants. I lay the outfit on the bed, walk to the bathroom and start my usual morning routine. It takes me a while to finish and get dressed. I head downstairs and put on my shoes. I feed Mercury, my cat, grab my purse and work phone then head out to my car. My car is a 1966 chevy impala. I climb into the driver's seat, setting my purse in the passenger seat as I start the car and pull out of my driveway. As I'm heading down the road, I notice a golden ram truck following close behind me. I glare at my rearview mirror before focusing on the road to pull onto the freeway, lowering my foot on the gas pedal to speed up. The vehicle continues to stay close so I swerve to my exit, turn down a couple streets making sharp turns as I do before I finally lose him. I pull into the parking lot of my job and get out, heading for the entrance. That's when I notice the new kid, Eli Fellis, waiting for me by the doors. I walk closer, enough for him to notice me which he does, as he flashes a child-like smile. "I got us coffee!"

He handed me a cup as I took it and walked inside, setting my bag on my desk. I then head up the small flight of stairs as Eli continues to follow me. We finally made it to our boss's office, I made him knock on the door. As he stepped back I noticed him shaking in his place. There was the odd rustling noise I heard over the phone and then the door opened. "Mr. Ross..." He looked down at agent Fellis then at me before he made way back to his desk. "Yes Mr. Fellis?" Mr. Ross's tone was laced with annoyance, which is typical when people forget to call him an agent and use his real name. "Why did you choose us for the job?" I wanted to hit him over the head, I knew Eli meant to say why him but when he refers to us it just pisses me off. "Because Agent Fellis, you may be new and act like an idiot but you work hard. As for Agent Rev, if you were to mess up I know she'll be capable of cleaning up your mess and get the job done properly." I nodded in agreement. Eli looked down and nodded. "You two will be in charge of protecting two of our countries princesses." I nodded as agent Fellis fidgeted, he opened his mouth to say something but the rumbling of a helicopter shaking the building stopped him. "You are dismissed." Agent Fellis once again turned to say something but this time I stopped him by pushing him out the door, up another flight of stairs and onto the landing dock.

I watched as the helicopter turned off and agent Rev stepped forward. She was kind of short but very serious. I've never seen her outside of her work clothes or even smile. "Agent Fellis!" I blinked and looked up from my feet at her, she was glaring at me. "This is Ms. Powell and Ms. Humphreys, you will be in charge of escorting them to my house but first you will have them change in the meeting room." I nodded and guided the two girls down the stairs and through the hall after grabbing a couple bags from my desk with their new clothes inside. I had noticed two men climb out of the chopper but I didn't get a good look at them. "She's changed a lot hasn't she?" I turned to look at the girls. "Huh?" The one addressed as Ms. Powell smiled. "I'm Gabby." I smiled and nodded. "I'm agent Fellis." I nodded and continued leading her to the meeting room when Gabby spoke up again. "She always worked so hard but she was very kind. She used to smile a lot and she was very friendly, she certainly knew how to have fun. She was my guard before she became an agent." I listened to her ramble about how Savanna knew her as well and about her past when we finally reached the meeting room. "Well my lady, I'll be outside if you need me." I handed them the separate bags and closed them inside the room.

Anaiya had already walked off to finish what she needed to do for the assignment and set everything up for their new places and identities. I leaned against the wall kind of humming a tune that I made as I waited. Almost an hour went by and they still weren't done so i went to knock on one of the room doors when one of them finally stepped out. It was Ms. Powell, she was wearing a flannel and skinny jeans. It looked really nice on her; I smiled politely. "I hope the clothes fit you well Ms. Powell?"

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