Chapter 5

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I closed the four royals into two different rooms as they changed, I looked at the hallway and noticed Anaiya at the bottom of the stairs. She looked terrified as she stared at her watch, frozen in place. “Anaiya?”  She glanced up in my direction, her face pale with fear as if she had just seen a ghost but then I noticed her screen. I gasped, she quickly ran outside and sat in her car so we couldn’t hear her or see her. I swear from where I was standing the person on her screen looked a lot like her husband. I regained my composure, convincing myself that she was just having one of her moments with his picture and walked back to the room doors, knocking. “Are you guys ready?” I watched as Savanna and her guard stepped out from the door on the left. She was wearing a blue and purple flannel, with light blue pants. She had on white converse while her guard was wearing a pair of business pants and a white button up. “You clean up nice Andy.” She smiled and poked his arm. “Thank you.” Her guard smiled and nodded before taking on a more formal yet relaxed stance.


     I walked out. I had picked a simple purple and blue flannel that fit me perfectly. Andy generously nodded and lightly touched my head. Even if he doesn't talk, I can understand him clearly. I chose a semi-formal outfit for him since he didn’t like wearing normal clothes around me then stepped out. I noticed a serious expression on Agent Carter or Laney's face as she stared down the hallway towards the stairs. She seemed angry but confused. “Are you alright?” I lightly touched her shoulder, she mumbled something to herself then looked over at me. She smiled softly and nodded, though her smile still told me she was worried about something. “Yeah.”

She sighed in what seemed like relief but also in exhaustion and turned as the door next to us opened. Gabby stepped out in a coral sundress and sandals that went up her legs, her knight walked out in a pair of black jeans and a black and white dress shirt. I never knew if her knight was female or male because of their outfits but I guess it really wouldn't matter. “Gabby you look great!” “So do you, I love the color of your shirt!” We laughed and talked about all the things we could do when we get settled. “I see you like your new looks.” We looked up to see Anaiya, who was standing at the entrance of the hallway. The shadow from the hall corner covered only half her face so that all we could see was a smile. “Yes very much!” Gabby and I said in unison. I looked back at Laney who had this pitying and a worried expression on her face as she too looked up at Anaiya who then turned, heading down the stairs. Something was wrong, I could feel it, but what was it?


I was changing to get ready to pick up the princesses when I suddenly got a call. I picked up my phone and answered. “Hello?” “E-Eli?” It was Cameron,  he was always nervous but his tone made me worry because of the fear that was resonating from it. “What's wrong Cameron?” “Someone’s coming for the princesses and I think Anaiya might be in trouble as well.” I was confused, how is that even possible when none of us even told anyone about the princesses. Anaiya too though, we didn’t even know she worked with the princesses till now. Who could possibly be after her. “Why is that?” “I was threatened not to talk about or else they’d kill me but you have to get them out. If you don’t she might kill them all.” “Anaiya? Cameron?” “Anaiya will have no choice, you have to help them. Get them out.”

“Cameron, I-I don't get it. What are you saying?” “I've seen it, on that one mission she and her husband were working on and those murderers killed him right in front of her, I had came to late but she had handled it. I watched her sumon something, it looked like Satan or something closely resembling him and then she had it kill them.” I heard the doorbell ring from his end and then a crash as if someone kicked in the door. “I-I have to go.” “Wait! Cameron!” He had already hung up. ‘Anaiya? Satan? What did he mean?’ After some thought, I decided to quietly investigate the matter but it was really hard to believe that my friend and colleague was even remotely involved in anything like that. She was a great friend, a great worker and a great wife so how could Anaiya even know how to summon demons or even satan.

I climbed into my ram jeep and headed over to her house, as I pulled onto her street I noticed the golden ram truck parked across the street. I acted normally, as if I hadn’t seen it, and pulled up in front of her house. There was something off about the truck but I couldn’t figure out what so I carefully got out of my car, grabbed my stuff and headed inside. As I walked in, I noticed a young girl trying to teach Princess Gabby how to work Anaiya's television. I looked around, it's been forever since I've seen the inside. Ever since her husband died she shut everyone out and it's like she changed but her husband's death was so coincidental it was almost suspicious. She stopped letting people in the house till now. “Eli.” I didn’t even realize that I was staring at the girls until I heard someone scream my name.

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