Chapter 3

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    I was on my way to Anaiya’s place to help with her “Assignment.” My phone vibrated, I picked it up and saw that I was getting a call from Cameron. I clicked the answer button on my steering wheel. "Hello?" Cameron sneezed into the mic and then apologized. "Hi Laney, can you do me a favor?" He sounded sick, which was odd because I’ve never heard or seen him get sick. "Sure what can I do for you?" He sneezed again which triggered a cough. "Anaiya wanted me to pick something up from this cafe but I've caught a cold and I was wondering if you could pick it up for me. She didn't tell me what it was but she said it was important." I nodded, sounded like Anaiya, never gave anyone details, just told them what they needed to do. "Sure thing." I heard something move in the background that sounded a bit off and I went to speak he interrupted, "Thank you so much, I'll send you the address.” He then hung up and my phone pinged as his message popped up on my screen. I clicked the address and my phone had brought up directions to the cafe which was on the other side of town.

I followed the GPS for what seemed like almost an hour. I arrived at a cafe that had a limo parked in front. ‘That totally doesn’t stand out.’  I parked next to the limo and climbed out scanning over the ride for a bit, I then grabbed my phone as I closed the door and entered the cafe to see a princess sitting among a group of guards. I fix my suit tie uncomfortably and walk up to the counter and take a seat on one of the bar stools. I sigh, ‘Anaiya better have a good explanation on why I’m at a cafe with a princess, I hope she’s not what I need to pick up.’ I then ordered the cherry pie which didn’t taste as bad as it looked as I waited. I suddenly get the feeling that I'm being watched, so I looked around to see if I can figure out why but I think I had an idea who was staring at me and I didn’t want to face her so I just brushed off the feeling and ate my pie while I waited for some kind of conformation text or for the diner maid to come over and hand me something.


    I was just enjoying a cup of tea when I heard the cafe bell ring signaling someone just walked in, I looked up to see a woman with short, dirty blonde hair and Greenish eyes. She was wearing a suit signifying she was an agent. I stood up as did my guards but I had motioned for them to sit back down so they did. I walked up to her. “Are you agent Bond?” I could tell she was thinking because she turned around confused. “Excuse me?” It made me angry that she wasn’t paying attention to me but I smiled calmly. “Are you agent Bond?” As she quickly looked up at me with an almost serious but also curious expression as if disgusted but also kind of relieved.

I asked again with a more aggressive tone so she could sense that I’m a bit annoyed. “Oh sorry no, I’m agent Carter.” The woman smiled kindly as if she did but didn’t really care. I felt more at ease knowing that at least someone finally came for us and flashed a more genuine smile. “Do you know agent Bond by any chance? He’s supposed to be picking me up.” She then nodded. “Yes I do, I’m sure Anaiya was the one who informed you that he was coming?” Her expression became serious as if something was upsetting her but there was still kindness in her eyes. “Yes, where is he?” She sighed to herself as I proceeded to look outside to see if he might have been waiting in the car. “He got sick so I have to escort you to Anaiya’s.” She held out her hand so I shook it. “I’m princess Savanna pleasure to meet you.” She placed her free hand on top of mine and again smiled kindly. “Not as much of a pleasure to meet you.” She said kind of half-heartedly, then released my hands and stood up. She placed ten dollars on the counter for the unfinished pie she was eating and headed for the door.

I had one guard come with me as the others left to head back home but the guard I kept with me was also one of my trusted friends, Andy. We followed Agent Carter to her vehicle, she opened the passenger door for me to climb in with her help since my dress kind of made it impossible to step up onto the little step provided. Andy then climbs into the back seat on his own. Agent Carter started her car and proceeded to pull out of the cafe parking lot when I then noticed a black car pull up right behind us, tailing us all the way to the freeway. Agent Carter kept her eyes on the road so I assumed she didn’t notice but as I was going to say something she then suddenly swerved to the left causing me to slide into the armrest. I winced a bit but thankfully the armrest was soft so there would only be a small bruise but I felt two hands wrap around my waist as I was pulled into the backseat with Andy, shielding me from anything that might happen.

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