Chapter 3: The Nether

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The heat surrounded him within an instant right as he got through. He felt comfortable and safe. Like nothing could ever hurt him again. The heat welcomed him and beckoned towards an obsidian bridge lined with cobblestone. I feel safe. Ghostinnit followed where he felt like he needed to go. Where he could probably find out who he is and what he's doing here.

He stopped at a spot that hung over the lava, where it felt familiar. The lava looked so nice and warm. Like it could get rid of everything that's happening to him. Ghostinnit stood closer to the edge, dangerously close. Then he fell off the bridge going to where it looked welcoming. With every second of falling he felt more and more happy. The emptiness inside of him was going away as he got closer. Then he hit the lava.

It surrounded him, but the feeling came back and he got disappointed. Why am I disappointed? I just wanna leave this place. But this place makes me feel happy. It's warm and welcoming. It doesn't get rid of this emptiness though. Ghostinnit floated out, but didn't want to get out of the lava. He wanted to stay in it forever, just relaxing in the comfort it brought to him. The lava didn't get rid of the pain, but it wanted him to stay inside forever. Not leave ever again.

Even though he didn't want to leave he still did to look at more of the Nether. Ghostinnit floated back up to the bridge and sat on the edge looking through his pockets. While looking through he pulled out a compass. The compass said 'Your Tubbo' on the side with a little bee stick next to the name.

"Who's Your Tubbo? Is it someone who I know? That name sounds familiar." Ghostinnit said while holding the compass in his left hand. The bee started to give off a sad vibe and started to make Ghostinnit cry. Tears rolled down his face, but turned into steam once they touched his cheeks. The heat from the Nether didn't even let the tears fall from his face. When the tears hit his face it stung, like getting pinched by a friend, but Ghostinnit didn't mind. He was covered in lava anyways. It didn't bother him at all.

"Are you someone who knows about my past and who I am? I feel like I should go and find you whoever you are." he said. Ghostinnit put the compass in his right hand and followed where the needle pointed. Even if he wanted to explore more, he needed to find out who he was and why he's here. "I have to find Your Tubbo."

Finding Yourself (Ghostinnit story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora