Chapter 29: Goodbye

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 "Tommy, what's happening to you?" asked Tubbo, worried.

"Tubbo, I can finally rest." Ghostinnit said with a smile, "I can finally rest forever."

Everyone was shocked by Ghostinnit's statement. They all started to cry, realizing that they weren't gonna see him again. Tubbo cried holding onto Ghostinnit. He comforted Tubbo and patted his head.

"Tubbo, it's ok. I'll see you again someday."

"Please don't leave me." Tubbo said between sobs.

"Don't worry, I'll spend these last moments hugging you and everyone."

Ghostinnit looked up towards everyone and outstretched his hand. They all ran over to him, hugging each other. They all silently wept, Techno was even crying wanting his brother to stay.

"Tommy, I can't lose you." Techno said.

"You ain't gonna lose me. I'll see you again someday."

They sat there hugging as Ghostinnit slowly vanished. Everyone knew that it was time to say goodbye. No one wanted to, but they were ready. He vanished more, tightly hugging Tubbo. Tears rolled down his eyes and he smiled as he knew his time was coming.

"I'll miss you big man."

"I'll miss you too, Tommy."

Within that moment Ghostinnit disappeared into thin air. Everyone is still hugging each other. They all knew that they were gonna see him again someday and that what he had been through was all finally over. He could finally rest.


Tommy woke up and looked around the place where he was. The place was white with buildings everywhere and white trees around too. It was beautiful and huge. It looked like a palace. Everything felt welcoming and warming. He knew he was safe in this place.

Someone stood away in the distance and they wore a familiar coat. He stood and didn't turn around at all. Tommy walked a little closer and tapped on the familiar man's shoulder. The man turned around and it was...Wilbur. Wilbur smiled and looked down at Tommy, who was in shock.

"Hello little brother."

"W-wilbur, you're here." Tommy said shocked.

"What's that face for Tommy? Aren't you gonna give your big brother a hug?" Wilbur said with outstretched arms.

"Wilbur!" Tommy said jumping into his arms.

"I'm so proud of you Tommy. I missed you."

"I missed you too. I can't wait to spend time with you Wilbur."

"I can't wait either, but first you need to see someone."

Wilbur let go of Tommy and moved out of the way to reveal a woman. The woman had black hair and a black dress on. She was very pretty and had wings on her back. Gorgeous white wings. Tommy knew who she was right away.

"Mom!" Tommy screamed as he ran over to her.

"Tommy, my little boy." She said as Tommy ran into her.

Tommy hugged her tightly with the biggest smile on his face. He was so happy to see her once again. Wilbur walked over, but didn't interrupt their hug. Tommy still had to see the rest and get to know the others too.

"I missed you so much mom."

"I missed you as well."

"I just want to hug you forever."

Momza and Wilbur both looked at each other smiling. She pulled Tommy away and walked with him down the hall of the palace. Tommy looked in awe at everything around him. He was so excited to explore and spend time with his family. He couldn't wait until Tubbo gets here and sees this place, he would be amazed.

"Tommy, let me show you around." Momza said walking with Tommy and Wilbur into the light.

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