Chapter 8: He's gone

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TW: This chapter contains some blood and cutting

Tubbo stood still in shock that his best friend was gone. That his own best friend didn't even know who he was anymore. Tommy wasn't even alive anymore. Everyone was trying to comfort Tubbo. Even though Tubbo didn't let out any tears, people could tell Tubbo was the most hurt there along with Philza. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should cry or go find him.

"Tubbo it's alright." said Jack Manifold.

"Yeah Tubbo, it's ok he's still here." said Fundy.

"He's really gone, isn't he? He doesn't even know who I am or what this place is. What happened to him? Who killed him?" asked Tubbo.

Phil had already taken off, they all guessed he was going to go tell Techno what happened to Tommy. Everyone then turned to each other and started talking about Tommy's ghost.

"Who would have killed him? What will Techno do? Why did they kill him? Why doesn't he remember any of us." everyone asked.

Why doesn't he remember me? Who could have killed him? Is he dead because of me? Thought Tubbo. He still stood there not moving at all, wanting to cry, but tears would not come out. He was slowly slipping away from reality. Everything now felt...lost, like lost his one and one world. And he did. He lost the one thing that was more important than anything else to him. Tears started coming out from Tubbo's eyes realizing that his own best friend doesn't know him. The tears hurt him.

"T-Tommy's gone. He's gone, my best friend's gone." said Tubbo with tears rolling down his face, "I need to be alone."

Tubbo walked off into his house and locked the door behind him. He could hear his friends calling his name asking him to open the door, but he wouldn't. He just wanted everyone to go away so he could think. Tubbo walked into his bathroom and looked at his mirror. He saw a reflection of Schlatt, his dad. Startled by this he stepped back. What was Schlatt doing in his mirror. That's when Tubbo saw that everything he did the reflection did as well. He was Schlatt.

"D-dad? Why am I you? Please just go away."

The reflection still never went away. It stayed following every single one of Tubbo's movements. That's when he knew that he had fully became his dad. He had become the new Schlatt. Knowing this Tubbo grabbed his axe and smashed the mirror. Shards went everywhere and one piece caught Tubbo's hand. His hand had no feeling at all. He felt empty on the inside. Tubbo looked at some of the shards on the ground and still saw Schlatt within them.

"NO! I'll never become you! You may be my dad, but I will never become the next Schlatt!" Tubbo screamed.

The others from outside could hear him screaming and tried to come in, but they couldn't. Ranboo stepped forward and tried to open the door. He spoke softly begging Tubbo to open the door.

"Please Tubbo, open the door. We can help you. You just have to open the door." said Ranboo. Tubbo could hear him speaking and walked to the door.

"Go away Ranboo. I want to be alone. I want everyone to leave me alone and go away."

"I know you think it was your fault, but it's not! Someone else killed him. I'm sure of it. We'll find out who did it, you just need to open the door first."

"Ranboo, I see him. My dad is in my reflection. I am now my dad. I exiled Tommy and now he is a ghost. It's my fault that he had died."

"Tubbo you aren't your dad. You never will be! You're you Tubbo, you have always been you. Open the door for me, please?"

Tubbo looked at the handle and unlocked it. He opened the door to see everyone around with worried looks on their faces. The blood from his hands slowly dripped down on the ground. Ranboo went and hugged Tubbo, trying to comfort him as best as he could.

"I'm sorry Ranboo."

"It's alright Tubbo. You didn't do anything wrong. Trust me, we will find his killer and get payback."

"Thanks buddy. I just still can't believe he's gone. I wish he was back. I wish he remembered me again."

"He does remember you, he's memory is probably locked away like mine. I'll try to help him get his memory back, I promise. Let's go find him."

Tubbo smiled and walked towards the direction of which Tommy ran. Some stayed behind to try to figure out what was happening. While Niki, Tubbo, Ranboo, Punz, and Quackity went to find Tommy. Whoever you are, that killed my Tommy, you will pay. You will pay for Tommy's death.

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