Chapter 19: The compass

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Puffy searched around everywhere to find Tommy, he was nowhere in sight. It had been two days already and no one could find him. There wasn't a single trace of him anywhere. It was like he vanished. Sam would have helped her, but he was too busy working on the prison to do anything. The prison was for someone, but he wouldn't tell who.

She shrugged it off and decided to look around the house she built for Dream. If there was a single chance that Dream might know where Tommy was, she was gonna take it. It might be a little risky, seeing that Dream is the second most powerful person on this server, behind Techno. He was her son though, he would never hurt her at all. Unless he didn't see her as his mom anymore...No, wouldn't do that. I raised him right, he would never hurt me. Puffy thought.

Puffy got to the house and searched around. The chests, barrels, furnaces, anything that could hold something. They were all empty or at least some had a lot of stuff taken out of them, but why. Why did he take out so much stuff? Were they that valuable that he had to do this. Most of the chests were emptied out of everything, some still had blocks in them. Dream must've didn't needed them that much.

Puffy went to stand up and hit a lever that she didn't see on the side of her. The lever opened up a small hole in the corner of the house. She walked over to it and jumped in, The lever revealed many double chests stacked on top of each other. It was a very small room to fit so much stuff in it. All the chests were mostly empty or were gone through already. All, but one.

The one chest that hadn't been looked through had stuff that wasn't really important at all. Puffy looked through the chest and saw a lodestone compass. She picked it up and read what it said on the side. Mansion. This compass must lead to a woodland mansion or Dream's secret base.

Puffy got out of the house and looked in the direction the compass pointed to. It pointed away from everything. Past the smp, past L'manberg, past everything. Yep, it was a compass that led to his secret base. What if Dream has Tommy there? Why would he leave this behind?

Puffy snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Techno walking along the prime path. He must know about this compass. If there was anyone to help find Dream and Tommy, it would be him. She ran off in the direction of Techno's voice. She ran closer and closer, until she saw Ranboo, Tubbo, and Philza walking along his side.

"Techno, I think I have found something that'll possibly help you find Tommy." she said out of breath.

"Yes, what is it?" Techno was intrigued by what she said.

"A compass." Puffy handed the compass over to Techno who looked at it closely.

Techno took out another compass in his pocket and looked in the direction that both of them were pointing. Both compass were pointing at the same direction. Dream had Tommy. The compass, in Techno's hand, cracked a bit because he was in anger.

"That selfish man. He took my brother away from us." Techno said, while Phil took the compass out of his hand and handed it to Tubbo.

"Why would he take Tommy? There is no reason for him to." said Ranboo.

"Unless, he wanted something from him." Puffy said with her arms crossed.

"What would he want from him? Tommy doesn't even listen to anyone." Tubbo said looking down at the compass.

"Well, he did lose his memory. Dream could try to get something from him because he's vulnerable." said Phil.

"If he did anything to Tommy, I'm going to kill him." Techno said then turning to Puffy, "I don't care if he's your son. If he hurt him in the slightest, his life will be gone."

"I understand your anger, Techno. Dream has no reason to use Tommy for anything. Hopefully he hasn't gotten into his head already." she said.

"If we are going to find Tommy, we are gonna need everyone on this server to help us." Techno said.

"I agree, we may have a lot of differences between us all, but we need to fight together against Dream."

Puffy didn't want to fight against her own son, but knew she might have to. If Dream was hurting Tommy, he would have to get what he asked for. Maybe even go to prison as well. She agreed to help Techno fight against Dream.

Now they just needed the others to join as well. They asked everyone among the server to help them and told them about the compasses. They all agreed to help find Tommy and to fight against Dream. They all went to get tools, gear, and food. Because the next day at dawn, they would be leaving to fight against a man who deserved it.

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