Chapter 12: Supplies

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Dream walked down the prime path to get to his house, for supplies. The supplies had to be enough to get through several days, just in case they didn't make it to his base on time. Dream knew that he had to keep Tommy away from everyone in order to watch him. He needed to make sure no one finds them at all. If someone had found Dream's base, he would have several plans up and ready. Dream knew what he was doing.

Dream walked past Eret and Ponk, who were talking about Tommy's ghost. They talked about who Tommy's killer might be. Dream had to act surprised like he never knew he was dead.

"Tommy's dead?" said Dream.

Eret and Ponk turned around and faced Dream. They both looked at each other and a sad face overcame them both.

"Yea, he came up to us earlier. He didn't know any of us and he was covered in lava." said Eret.

"He had to have died from lava, unless the lava on him wouldn't make any sense." said Ponk.

"Who would ever want to kill Tommy?" asked Dream, still pretending.

"We don't know. Everyone is trying to figure that out. Tubbo, Punz, Ranboo, Niki, and Quackity are looking for Tommy right now." Ponk said.

I can't give them any hints that I know where Tommy is and how he died. I just need to get the supplies and leave. Dream thought. Dream spoke to them a little longer before leaving. He had to get to his base and grab the supplies quickly. Knowing Tubbo, Ranboo, Quackity, and Niki were all looking for Tommy's ghost he needed to get it fast. He can't even tell Punz either. He may be his spy, but he must not know about Tommy.

Dream got over to his hidden base and started to grab as much material as possible. Potions, weapons, food, blocks, and enchantment books. He knew each of these was very important. Even though he had a lot of stuff at his base, this was the backup plan. Dream had to get Tommy as far away from the smp as possible. No one can find them at all.

After getting all the supplies, Dream ran into Puffy. She looked ready for a fight. She had a face of sadness and anger. A netherite sword in her hand, ready to strike anyone who gets in her way.

"Mom? What are you doing?" asked Dream.

"Duckling, someone killed Tommy. They killed a child! Someone who never deserved it." Puffy said, "I'm going to look for the killer. Are you gonna help me?"

I can't let her know. Dream thought.

"I know it's disgusting that would do that." Dream said, "I'll help you look later, I have some things to get done first."

Puffy looked at the weapons he had in his hand and she had a confused face. She thought to herself, something that looked like she was planning. Dream didn't know what, but was prepared for whatever she said. He knew that if she did find out...well it wasn't going to end very well.

"What's with the weapons, ducking?" she asked.

"I'm hiding my base somewhere else. If people find my hidden base it won't go good at all. I need to keep these weapons and important stuff a secret."

"Understood. Please help me when you are done."

Dream nodded and started back up his walk to Logstedshire. He had to get Tommy to the base now. If people are gonna look for his 'killer', they are gonna look for him first. His base was hidden far from the smp, to the point where no one would find it, unless someone looked very hard for it. If anyone finds out that I'm hiding Tommy, I'll be killed on the spot. Once we get to the base, we will be safe from everyone. Dream thought, while walking through the portal to the Nether.

He looked down at the lava and knew what Tommy did. Dream knew how Tommy died. To escape everything that was happening to him. He didn't know why he had no memory though. It was a very good thing for Dream. If Tommy didn't know what happened to him, he would be easier to control.

While almost near the portal he watched as Ranboo, Punz, Quackity, Niki, and Tubbo walked through the portal to Logstedshire. He hid behind a Nether rack pillar to not get caught. Tommy wasn't with them, so he hid somewhere. He walked closer and quieter to the portal, so he wouldn't get seen. He got through the portal and found Tommy. Dream went through the chest and grabbed the rest of the potions. He nodded at Tommy and they both left Logstedshire. Dream knew that one day they were gonna get caught, he needed to hide Tommy before it's too late.

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