Chapter 16: Where are you Theseus?

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It had been two days already and there was no sign of Tommy at all. Techno shook his hand in worry. His little brother was missing. By that time everyone on the server was looking for Tommy. Dream might not have been seen either, but everyone cared more about Tommy. Dream knew how to protect himself, but Tommy doesn't remember anything.

Techno kept walking through the blizzard that blocked his vision. It hit his face hard and it hurt. All he wanted to do was find Tommy and bring him back to his house. He just wanted his little brother back.

He walked for a long time before seeing a figure walking it the distance. That can't be Phil, he's exploring the smp to see if Tommy's there. Techno thought to himself. Suddenly another figure appeared, that one was much more taller than the other one. They were both right next to each other and having a hard time walking through the blizzard as well. Is that Dream and...Tommy. He thought. Techno started to run towards the people and felt joy to see them.

"Tommy! You're here I missed you so much-" Techno paused staring at the figures that he could see much more clearly now.

Tubbo and Ranboo both were looking at Techno, both shivering from the cold. They didn't have that many layers on, they probably came here before the blizzard. Techno scuffed while looking at Tubbo. He didn't want to be near any government official at all. Ranboo isn't one so he was cool with him.

"What are you doing out here, especially wearing pretty much nothing during this blizzard." Techno said, annoyed at them.

"We came here before the storm happened. We didn't know there would be anything like this. Please we are freezing, do you have any clothes for us?" Ranboo asked.

Techno looked down into his bag and pulled out a couple pieces of clothing for Tommy, when he found him. He gave them the clothing and they put it on right away. Ranboo was bigger than one of the coats, so Techno gave him his cape. Ranboo was very happy and grateful for the cape. It was only until they got to a warmer place, that he could keep the cape on. Techno reached into his pocket and pulled out a lodestone compass, that pointed to his house. The compass pointed to his house.

Techno walked forward and beckoned for them to come with them. They followed, seeing that they had no idea where they were going. Techno didn't want to bring them to his house, but he didn't want them to freeze to death. They were too young to die.

"Techno? Did you have any luck finding Tommy?" asked Tubbo.

"No, but wherever he is I hope he will find his way back home soon." Techno said blocking the cold wind from them. "Did you have any luck?"

"No, unfortunately. Tommy's tracks just seem to be gone. I mean I know he's a ghost, but Ghostbur leaves behind tracks. " said Ranboo.

"I know, it's strange. He couldn't have just disappeared like that at all. I know he has lost his memory, but wouldn't he know his way back home?" Techno said.

"Techno, do you think he will ever come back? I know you two never really got along in the past, but he's our brother. I know you miss him." Tubbo said.

It was true Techno did miss Tommy Even when he betrayed him, he felt bad for hurting Tubbo. Tubbo was still technically his younger brother. He may be a president, but he is his brother and Tommy's best friend. He can't lose his last brother at all. Tubbo leaving will break his heart even more. And Phil...if he left...Techno wouldn't know what to do.

Techno sighed and looked up at the sky. Where are you Theseus? He thought. The three of them got in sight of Techno's house. Techno didn't like the fact that a president was gonna be on his land, but he didn't want them to freeze to death. He opened the door for both of them and made them sit down. Techno made some hot chocolate and gave them it. Maybe it's time for the government to work with the anarchist.

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